Hell yeah it is. I am very impressed for $200. The shipping condition were not as impressing. the neck and body were protected, there was some bubble wrap, but the rest was all together in the notorious GFS "Bag-o-parts".
Keep in mind when taking pictures I mostly focused on the cosmetic errors. I was being very critical.
That fretboard... DAT FFFRETBOARD. I love it. I've never seen it like that before. I love it. I'm going to see if I can get another kit and attach the neck to another neck and have a neck neck.
But seriously, I'm quite happy.
Thinking about taking my hotrodded Seymour Duncans out of my old cheap Epi, but I'm worried they'll be too hot for a Semi-Hollow. Opinions?
Also me and mi papi are going out for finishing supplies tomorrow, so there should be a work in progress board coming very soon.