Well, it's a funny little thing, I've tuned it in 4ths, bottom 4 strings tuned down a half step, and the top b and e strings as normal. So I'm playing like an extended bass, I guess you could play it more as a skinny string guitar, but chords are, err.. what's the word? fun?
The problem is the Sustainiac, what I wanted was a clean sound, electrocello' or tenor bass with yé oldé bow style sustain but it aint working. Lots of pulsating fuzz, squeals, and assorted odd noises. Normally I'd be down to the old Throbbing Gristle vibe, but IT'S NOT WANT I WANTED!!! :laughing8:
Possible the Sustainiac is faulty, but I think it could be the pickups are too close together, or it doesn't like the claws on the pickup, could be a fault with the install, but the guys who did my other Sustainiac install, and that's fine, and I've had a quick fiddle with it and that didn't help, at all. :evil4:
Actually, having gone back and checked the YouTube vids with a bass Sustainiac and they're all a bit like that, I assumed it was through choice but I'm starting to think otherwise.
Also the natural sustain is GR8 anyway, so I don't know if I really need it anyway. :icon_tongue:
Oh, and the Sustainiac pickup sounds good too, it did cross my mind to get a matching Bass VI neck pickup and maybe put the bass Sustainiac into a NEW bass where it's further up the neck, with frets and some beefy Stingray style pickup in the bridge.
Nawh, that ain't happening.
Also, I really like short scale for fretless, helps with the getting the fingers in the right place, maybe I've got little hands or something, you can get away with being a bit sloppy/not as stretchy with a fretted one.