Thanks, Tony! Things are really starting to move along now, as I think the major hurdles have been cleared.
Milling the new front edge of the bridge recess.
Boring one of the 10mm holes for the body inserts.
On this milling machine, I don't have room to complete the operation on one setup. I had to turn the body around the other way to work on the other side!
Getting the other side done. I ended up just slightly off of the first setup (still pretty damn close). I decided to fix up the cosmetic difference by hand with a file. The milling machine is a powerful tool that can wreck stuff, so I stopped at this point!
I got this piece of mahogany at Rockler's for about a buck. Here I'm cutting it into patch blocks on the bandsaw. I also did some rough shaping on the blocks with a belt sander while I was there.
Here you can see the new holes bored, and how I milled the freehand bridge relief butcher-job closer to square just to make my patching easier.
Ready install the body inserts, check the fit of the bridge, and glue the patch blocks in. This is getting pretty exciting!