
Purple Burst Musiclander Build

Your guitar looks awesome. The Musiclander body IMO though looks like an intoxicated person went at a stratocaster with a jig saw randomly removing bits.
Thanks. It is very comfortable to play. I originally only selected it because I wanted something totally different to try my first dye job, and that wouldn't be similar to my next builds, but I must say I am impressed with the comfort and playability of the body. A little Strat-Like, but narrower. Mine is a little heavier because I did Mahogany / Maple, but I can imagine they would be very light with Alder.
That real good feedback in the body. I bet you could get a real light one. Make it a short scale. Would be fun for me and great to handdown to my nephew or a kid.

Great job on that dye! Good games!
Your guitar looks awesome. The Musiclander body IMO though looks like an intoxicated person went at a stratocaster with a jig saw randomly removing bits.
Thanks Spud.

Ha Ha, it is different that's for sure, but it does grow on you. It's actually becoming a favorite to play, and I love the MojoTone P90's. The 'Quiet Coil' thing is real, very quiet without sacrificing the bite. The really cool thing is how responsive they are to the tone and volume controls using Mojo's custom caps and volume mod. You can make them sound like totally different guitars. Loving it so far !
That real good feedback in the body. I bet you could get a real light one. Make it a short scale. Would be fun for me and great to handdown to my nephew or a kid.

Great job on that dye! Good games!

I think it would be great for a kid. Especially if you did Alder or similar. And it's a relatively cheap build since there's no binding, etc offered. It was a great one to learn the dye on......
The Musiclander body IMO though looks like an intoxicated person went at a stratocaster with a jig saw randomly removing bits.

It's so dumb. I love it.

Both of mine are swamp ash and they are very light, right around 3lbs. Not quite as comfortable as a strat when sitting, but IMO nothing is. Really nice standing though, the small size is great if you're a smaller picker like me.

ANYWAY! Hagwood, that looks awesome. Really impressive work.
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Just to be clear, I meant the Musiclander body in general is dumb, not your work! And I mean dumb in the best way.
Oh yeah, I got it, and I agree. That's why I picked it, to be something totally different than what I would normally do just to learn on. I was telling the wife this is supposed to be an In-Your-Face Rocker, and my next one will be more 'Refined and Classy'....... 😁
It looks like an IYF rocker with those P90s. I wanna play Ramones songs on it.

Amusingly, Spud's description of the body shape isn't that far off. From wiki: "The Swinger was an attempt by CBS (which had bought the company in 1965) to extract cash from inventory by combining unused bodies from the Duo-Sonic II and the failed Fender Bass V with parts from the Fender Musicmaster."

I picture a guy from corporate coming down to the shop at 4:50 on a Friday, saying "Boss says you gotta make something outta those bodies." The one person left in the shop rolls their eyes, fires up the saw, randomly makes a couple cuts, hands the body to corporate guy, says "Here. Have a nice weekend."