
Tom P.'s eBay Project

When I'm over at my dad's shop, it's his stuff. He knows what he has, and where everything is. I'm a decent machinist, but at his shop he also ends up doing most of the work. I don't mind because he's really good, and again, it's his stuff!

There is not a straight line anywhere on the neck to clamp to. He has these neat rubber jaw thingies that we made work.




Milling the "shelf" using a router bit and that cool vise that adjusts for angle or "roll" as we called it here.


Back at my shop. These "bow" things are cheap & great setup tools that everyone should make and have around. None of the wood I found was springy enough; it all kept breaking. I ended up using these cutoff scraps from the edges of some circuit boards, which are fiberglass. The high & low strings for this guitar are a .009 and a .054, respectively.


You can see how we milled in relation to the first fret, and not to the headstock. I kept checking it with the nut as we moved gradually. The angle of the shelf shows that the headstock was not a good reference point!


There is a bit of clearance between the low B and the first fret. The high E sits right on the fret. I will be able to shim the nut to the correct height, probably with just a flat piece of material. This also leaves some room for adjustment in the case of a fret dress.


Centering the nut in preparation for drilling the holes. This neck is a whopping 2.15" at the nut, not the 1.998" the pencil note on the butt claims! The nut is an R7S. I always use one nut width narrower than recommended because I like a lot of fretboard outside the strings so they don't fall off the edge when I play, but this is even more than I need. I don't know whether there is a wider OFR nut available, or even who I would get it from. Input is wlecome here!


Holes drilled for the nut. Floyd Rose himself once told me on the phone that top-mounting these nuts with wood screws is no stronger than drilling all the way through the neck & bolting it on from the back. Whether this is true or not, I prefer to remove the least amount of material. It also looks much nicer than having those ugly holes in the back of the neck! So top-mount it is.


Cleaning the "nurdlies" off of the holes so the nut has a nice, flat place to sit.


Screws in, but...



I like to put the nut a little toward the bass side so the high E doesn't fall off the edge of the neck when doing pull-offs. This is a bit further to the bass side than I planned, but that's where the holes landed! I won't re-drill now because it may not be necessary if I find a wider nut than the R7S.

At this point I can finally clean the neck up & start applying coats of tung oil varnish. The major dirty work on it is done.
The R7S nut that I have here is 1.92", or between 48 & 49mm. It's the one that came in the complete Floyd system box.

I talked to Warmoth, and their 7-string nut is 2", or 50.4mm. Theirs is not an OFR or Schaller, and it doesn't say anything on the bottom of it. It's probably Takeuchi.

If the height dimensions are the same as the nut I have here, Warmoth's nut would probably be about right for my 2.15" neck. But they want $40 for it! That seems awfully steep for an FRL nut, and I'm not working right now.

Does anybody out there know a source for a black 2" Floyd nut at a more reasonable price?
Thanks. I have already checked eBay, and no nuts posted are wide enough. However, I contacted a couple of the sellers to see if they have or can get a 2" one.

I have found that the nuts from the really cheap, sleazy FRLs are not the same height, and are lighter and generally crappier than the Schallers or OFRs. I will most likely just get the one from Warmoth, but it's worth a shot to try to find a less-expensive source.
My local stores and some online sources were unable to help me with the nut. I went ahead & ordered it from Warmoth. The guy I talked to on the phone didn't know who makes the one they sell, but the site says Schaller. Anyway, $47.50 shipped. Ouch!

I don't know whether this nut will fit the holes I already drilled, is the same height as the OFR nut, or if it's even top-mounteable. I'll find all this stuff out when it gets here.

I drilled the holes for the tuners last night. Know what's really weird? The spot that had never had a tuner installed in it is where the D string goes. How the hell did that work? Oh well...

I got a 10-pack of 1/16th-inch drill bits (because that's the size that always breaks & the size I used for the tuner screws) at Harbor Freight Tool for only $2! How do you walk out of Harbor Freight having only spent two bucks? Simple: You're unemployed and you just blew $47.50 on a damn nut!

I have a bit of filler to apply, then I can begin putting coats of tung oil on the neck.
I admit I haven't read this whole thread, but is carving your own nut from a blank out of the question? That would surely be cheaper than $47.50.

This one is nearly 2",

and these blanks are all 2.5"

I hear TUSQ is very easy to work with, and videos on nut filing are on YouTube if you need them.
Hi Tom

I'm really looking forward to see how this turns out.

Good luck with the new nut.  :icon_thumright:
Thanks, guys. Well, except for the guy that never figured out that it's a Floyd nut! :icon_scratch:

I'm surprised that I'm the only one that has posted anything about such a wide nut. The folks (even builders) on sevenstring.org haven't even had any info, either. Eventually I'll find out where this nut comes from, and how wide a 7-string locking nut is available. I would think some Warmoth or former Warmoth employees would have chimed in. When I find out more, I will post the info.
TomPerverteau said:
Thanks, guys. Well, except for the guy that never figured out that it's a Floyd nut! :icon_scratch:

I play bass, Tom, Floyd nuts or whatever mean nothing to me. I'm not sure what makes a Floyd nut special so I was just offering what I thought might be helpful. And I admitted that I didn't read the whole thing, I just volunteered where I knew to find a nut blank wide enough to cover your neck.
Hey, Knucklehead, I meant no offense. Your post made me laugh, and I was just kiddin' around. I appreciate your participation.
I just got a bunch of good info from a former Warmoth employee on the other site. It makes me consider using the through-hole method to mount the nut. There is a whole 'nother string, and a big one, on this guitar compared to others I have put Floyds on. He says that the nut is indeed made by Schaller (yay!).

I also got the tracking info from UPS, and the nut should be here tomorrow. I don't live very far from Warmoth.
Death by Uberschall said:
Hey KG, he's needing a wide 7 string locking nut.  :icon_thumright:

I've really got to start reading more guitar threads so I can learn all this crap. Nothing locks on basses.
Well, that sure takes some nerve! I wouldn't talk to a bass player like that. They are hard to find, unlike us all-too-common guitarists!

I applied some filler to the old tuner screw holes, gaps where I mounted the "shelf," and a couple other spots on the neck tonight.
TomPerverteau said:
Well, that sure takes some nerve! I wouldn't talk to a bass player like that. They are hard to find, unlike us all-too-common guitarists!
Ummmmmmmmm, it's called a "joke". Note the smilie.  :doh: