Superlizard said:
For uber-hi gain, uber-compressed, non-dynamic tone (which these modelers seem to excel at), I'll bet it'd be right up your alley. :icon_thumright:
Why does it have to turn into a personal issue? Because I think your "tone test" is flawed, once again? And I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks it either.
And BTW, never once have I said a modeler was the better choice over tube amps. My point in any of this is that a good modeler can sound just as good as a tube amp to the point where most people wouldn't know the difference. You're the one who keeps trying to prove they are "crap". :doh:
Hum, let's bait them with a warmer sounding modeler and make the vintage spec t00b amp sound hi-fi. Good way to do a comparison as most modelers are clearer sounding and have broader sweeps in tone with their eq vs. the limits of a real vintage spec'ed tube amp. :icon_thumright:
If you really wanted to do a tube vs. modeler comparison, you would go guitar straight to amp/modeler and you would eq them the same by ear (or spectrum analysis) instead of knob positions so that we could hear the "subtle" differences you keep referencing that make a tube amp preferable over the modeler.
You seem to forget that when I play live, I use a tube amp head as I have several to choose from. Hey and guess what, the music I play calls for a hi-gainer 75% of the time, so that's what I bring. And using a low gain amp with a boost/dist/overdrive pedal only adds sterile solid state gain instead of relying on the tubes. The only difference between a tube hi gain amp and a boosted tube low gain amp is that you are using "out board" gain instead of internal gain, and in this case inferior gain because it's not tube generated gain. My 20 space rack has the Mesa TriAxis and 2:90 power amp because I know tube guitar equipment sounds better. And I'm not going to even get into the discussion with you about the TriAxis and whether or not it's using the tubes for it's sound, because it does. If I bring the Pod XTLive out it's for those open jam nights at a club where 5 minute set-up times are much better than 30 minute set-up times. And oddly enough, I get just as many compliments from other guitar players and sound men on the POD as I do on my Uberschall, SLO, Mesa, Rivera, etc. Go figure.

ccasion14: In a live situation in a club with the pa pumping you wouldn't hear any of the subtle qualities the tubes offer. They would get lost in the mix or buried in the room's natural acoustics.
You already know the sound quality of "your" modeler is sub-par. Maybe you should beg/borrow/steal a better one for some comparison. just a thought.

And don't take anything I say personally, this is an open discussion on the topic and how I feel about it personally. Others will agree or disagree, but that's the beauty of it.
If we met, I would buy you a beer while you tried to convince me that all modelers are crap.

ccasion14: Although you would be wrong. :icon_jokercolor: