
New Showcase Pricing

::Dreaming of ubber fancy axes in every room like wall paper::
wonder if I can get a different amp for each room? OH HONEY........................................................
nope, that did not work and now I think I have a scar!
:evil4: :evil4: :evil4:
Most of the Showcase pieces that I usually watch over haven't gone down much in the last month or so.  But that's okay.  :)
clearerphish said:
Thank F I just got a new job. DON'T BUY MY EXPLORER BEFORE I GET MY 1st CHECK YOU JERKS  :blob7:

You just said too much, now people are going to Explorer section see what is good there... You had to have said about "that heavy Alder Strat body" and nobody would go there see :D
NonsenseTele said:
clearerphish said:
Thank F I just got a new job. DON'T BUY MY EXPLORER BEFORE I GET MY 1st CHECK YOU JERKS  :blob7:

You just said too much, now people are going to Explorer section see what is good there... You had to have said about "that heavy Alder Strat body" and nobody would go there see :D

LOL, it's like the GAS thread. Uh, counterproductive.  :laughing7:
The GAS Thread is a FAIL Thread, because you've GAS and you ain't got the condition in the moment to buy what you want, so you share if the forum mates the sorrow of it... It's like an AA... :laughing7:
clearerphish said:
Thank F I just got a new job. DON'T BUY MY EXPLORER BEFORE I GET MY 1st CHECK YOU JERKS  :blob7:

Hehe! I know the feeling. I know where there's a VIP body with a AAAA quilted maple top and mahogany base that includes a Gotoh 510 bridge for sale locally for a very attractive price, but the guy did a less-than-stellar job of finishing it so it's a total do-over. I keep agonizing about buying it because I don't want the work, but it's such a good deal... at the same time, I'm worried somebody else is going to snap it up. I should just buy the sumbitch and stash it for a rainy day.
Cagey said:
clearerphish said:
Thank F I just got a new job. DON'T BUY MY EXPLORER BEFORE I GET MY 1st CHECK YOU JERKS  :blob7:

Hehe! I know the feeling. I know where there's a VIP body with a AAAA quilted maple top and mahogany base that includes a Gotoh 510 bridge for sale locally for a very attractive price, but the guy did a less-than-stellar job of finishing it so it's a total do-over. I keep agonizing about buying it because I don't want the work, but it's such a good deal... at the same time, I'm worried somebody else is going to snap it up. I should just buy the sumbitch and stash it for a rainy day.

Link so I can buy it out from under you?

AprioriMark said:
Cagey said:
clearerphish said:
Thank F I just got a new job. DON'T BUY MY EXPLORER BEFORE I GET MY 1st CHECK YOU JERKS  :blob7:

Hehe! I know the feeling. I know where there's a VIP body with a AAAA quilted maple top and mahogany base that includes a Gotoh 510 bridge for sale locally for a very attractive price, but the guy did a less-than-stellar job of finishing it so it's a total do-over. I keep agonizing about buying it because I don't want the work, but it's such a good deal... at the same time, I'm worried somebody else is going to snap it up. I should just buy the sumbitch and stash it for a rainy day.

Link so I can buy it out from under you?


Heck, I was going to go raise and lower the price on him.......... :evil4:
AprioriMark said:
Link so I can buy it out from under you?

LOL! No, not yet. Although, that would solve my conundrum. Take it off the table, and it's no longer an issue. The poor bastard is gonna lose on the thing big-time, but he brought on himself by biting off more than he could chew. By the same token, whoever eventually picks the thing up is going to have a long row to hoe, so it's not really as good a deal as it sounds.
NonsenseTele said:
The GAS Thread is a FAIL Thread, because you've GAS and you ain't got the condition in the moment to buy what you want, so you share if the forum mates the sorrow of it... It's like an AA... :laughing7:

Yeah, that's the way I see it, too.  I haven't paid off the two that I bought in the last sale yet, so no Warmoth this year for me. OTOH, I already have the pickups for the NEXT two warmoths I'm going to build (sometimes next year.)
Well someone bought my chambered bk strat out from under me. Played the Tele this weekend I had been thinking about and decided the Tele wasn't the magical element of that combo, it was the cranked Vox. (and also determined, that while Strat's can do bell tones with the right amp, Tele's  DON'T do high gain well.) So now I'm looking at showcase bodies trying to figure if I can tolerate a top routed body or not