
Black Korina Tribal/Ornate Z-Bass

Kuro Uma said:
I say do what you want with it.. It's your guitar.

Is this what you're going for?
Dyed a little darker and burned outlines?
Holy Crap!!! That is exactly what I am going for! I see that you dyed your guitar, how exactly did you go about doing that? I haven't found the exact technique to actually dye a guitar anywhere on the internet or in book stores....
I really appreciate you're interest and doing that mock up, it really confirmed my ideas!
I might actually do the dying a little bit darker though, I want to match the color of the Bubinga so that the neck doesn't look too out of place.
AggieTreed said:
Kuro Uma said:
I say do what you want with it.. It's your guitar.

Is this what you're going for?
Dyed a little darker and burned outlines?
Holy Crap!!! That is exactly what I am going for! I see that you dyed your guitar, how exactly did you go about doing that? I haven't found the exact technique to actually dye a guitar anywhere on the internet or in book stores....
I really appreciate you're interest and doing that mock up, it really confirmed my ideas!
What I did was just take the concept of natural binding into the filigree design. So essentially I masked off the area to be dyed, with that covered i sealed the exposed area (which is where you want the natural wood to show through) with a clear coat. Then unmask the guitar, mask off the areas that are now sealed. So the reverse is masked off. Then I used the dyed mixed with denatured alcohol in a preval sprayer. Went slow and used fine coats so it would not build up to fast and seep under the mask. the clear sealer helps prevent the bleed over as well. I let each coat dry real good. Peel off the mask and that was that.

I did use a vinyl cutter to make the masks since the design was intricate and I needed them to be spot on. one to shoot the sealer and one to shoot the dye. If I was going to try what you have in mind I might do the woodburning first. I'm not sure what effect the heat may have on the dyed areas.

I'm interested to see this project progress :icon_thumright:
I'm not sure that I have the equipment to do the spray dying, I am just a college student.  :laughing7: Have you heard of anyone dabbing the intricate parts with a Q-tip or paint brush? Also where is a good place to buy dyes?
AggieTreed said:
I'm not sure that I have the equipment to do the spray dying, I am just a college student.  :laughing7: Have you heard of anyone dabbing the intricate parts with a Q-tip or paint brush? Also where is a good place to buy dyes?
Home Depot has the Preval Sprayer for about $5 in the paint department. Real simple to use.
I get all my dyes from WoodWorker Supply  http://woodworker.com/(a huge place here in Albuquerque) they have everything you'd ever need.
But if you don't have place like that locally. I would say Stew-Mac online.
http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Finishing_supplies/Colors,_tints,_and_stains/ColorTone_Liquid_Stains.html i'm sure the other guys here on the forums know of good places as well.
I haven't tried q-tips or paint brushes. I would be concerned about it coming out blotchy or uneven. But I personally don't know how Korina takes dye.
Ya I am worried about how its going to take the coloring. I am probably going to try doing some woodburning in the control cavities and see how the lines block the coloring.
DangerousR6 said:
How a Z bass in Solid Works... :icon_biggrin:
Man that reminds me of my days in the engineering school at TAMU...Solidworks was the only good thing about those engineering classes....
DangerousR6 said:
SW is quite cool, one of my favorite programs... :headbang:
Actually, when I took my class I created a guitar in solidworks and the prof made a small plastic model of my specs
FernandoEsteves said:
DangerousR6 said:
I think it would be cool to have an abs 3D printer.... :guitarplayer2:

This is basically a CNC router, right?

No, it's essentially the opposite. Instead of cutting material away, it builds it up out of some sort of composite. They're useful for creating parts in order to see what they'd look like in real life. There are a number of videos of the process on YouTube, such as this one.
Cagey said:
FernandoEsteves said:
DangerousR6 said:
I think it would be cool to have an abs 3D printer.... :guitarplayer2:

This is basically a CNC router, right?

No, it's essentially the opposite. Instead of cutting material away, it builds it up out of some sort of composite. They're useful for creating parts in order to see what they'd look like in real life. There are a number of videos of the process on YouTube, such as this one.

Interesting!! Think it might be really usefull for a lot of things!
AggieTreed said:
I think I should rename this topic to have something to do with solidworks at this point... :toothy12:
we have a tendancy to hijack threads quite often.. :party07:
Got some of the hardware in for the bass! Gotoh Hipshot bass tuner Xtender, DR Black Beauties, and an EMG 35DC.


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