
Darken Black Korina?

I am wondering if you took black stain, using a q-tip apply it only to the grain you want highlighted. Have cotton cloth at hand toimmediately wipe off any stray stain. That's what old Spud would try anyways.

Disclaimer-Old Spud just sprayed a bunch of Rustoleum crystal clear enamel, so the idea could be dicey!
@alexreinhold some good tests, although the usual schedule would be stain followed by sealer and filler and then the tru-oil itself.

  • bottom left: walnut stain without any sealer (tried to wipe off with 000 steel wool with no success, as can be seen)
  • bottom right: BC filler and sealer (will use BC walnut stain here tonight)

So on the bottom left if you add sealer and filler it ought to give a better result than the bottom right sequence.

I am wondering if you took black stain, using a q-tip apply it only to the grain you want highlighted. Have cotton cloth at hand toimmediately wipe off any stray stain. That's what old Spud would try anyways.

Disclaimer-Old Spud just sprayed a bunch of Rustoleum crystal clear enamel, so the idea could be dicey!
smart idea. It's similar to my 000 steel wool approach, will give it a go.
So on the bottom left if you add sealer and filler it ought to give a better result than the bottom right sequence.
What I did since my last post is the following:

Step 1:
  • top left: on top off chestnut sealer: add silver glaze, wipe off with 000 steel wool
  • top right: on top off chestnut sealer: add walnut stain, wipe off with 000 steel wool
  • bottom left: on top off walnut stain wiped off with 000 steel wool: add tru oil
  • bottom right: on top off BC sealer filler: add walnut stain
WhatsApp Image 2024-03-28 at 15.10.43.jpeg

Step 2:
  • top left: see above + tru oil
  • top right: see above + tru oil
  • bottom left: on top off walnut stain wiped off with 000 steel wool: add tru oil + second layer tru oil
  • bottom right: on top off BC sealer filler: added walnut stain + second layer walnut stain (no oil yet)
WhatsApp Image 2024-03-28 at 15.14.13.jpeg

More ideas are very welcome :-)
Alright, second one from the top is sealer and tru oil. The other three (which look identical) are different versions of sandpaper grits, sealer and tru-oil but use walnut stain (100%, i.e. no water added). My favorites:

Upper section: with walnut.
Lower section: top right (i.e. sealer first then walnut stain) - also my overall favorite

Will try a bit more. Smoothness wise, they're all very similar.

WhatsApp Image 2024-04-01 at 15.59.51.jpeg