Warmoth Peel n Play Giveaway - Enter Now!

YA BOOBAY, I can get down with that train of thinkthought. I want to win this so bad. Who wouldn't want a peel or play video of me one-man jammin on the streets of St Louis with a new bomb-ass Warmoth? I know I come across as a pretty chill bro online but after I flip the internal ranchification switch I get the urge to purge a dirge in the public forum:

Wolff05 said:
And then he apparently left a very *thoughtful google review.

*inaccurate and untrue.

Saw that, did you? You guys don't miss a thing, do you?  :icon_jokercolor:

BroccoliRob said:
Duuuuude, that Goog review is bananas! Even worse it has one like/thumbs up!

I'm fairly certain that "thumbs up" is the same person, from a different computer.
I think this one was easier because all of the hard choices were in the first round.
spe111 said:
I think this one was easier because all of the hard choices were in the first round.

I think the toughest one for most might be Queen vs Led Zep.
Yeah, this one was easy, except for one Don't Care vs Don't Care towards the end, and the Journey one I got wrong (but it asked YOUR favorite, so neener neener.)
For me, I struggled with Iron Maiden vs Motely Crue.  Deciding factor ... more Cowbell.

I think they'd be able to tell more about a person's taste if the asked about Motley Crue vs. ZZ Top, and Iron Maiden vs. Rush, instead of the other way.
BlueTalon said:
I think they'd be able to tell more about a person's taste if the asked about Motley Crue vs. ZZ Top, and Iron Maiden vs. Rush, instead of the other way.

Perhaps, but that isn't the way the winner's brackets have worked out. Check out post #199.

Rush could (and likely will) end up against Iron Maiden in the semi-finals. Both ZZ Top and Motley Crue would have to be eliminated for that to happen (and they will be, IMO.)

My official prediction: Iron Maiden vs Led Zeppelin in the final round.
The Aaron said:
I think the toughest one for most might be Queen vs Led Zep.
To me, tough but obvious. Queen's a great band, but Zeppelin stomps the competition at nearly every turn! (Except maybe for Cream. Hard to beat Clapton at his best.)
The Aaron said:
.....My official prediction: Iron Maiden vs Led Zeppelin in the final round.
To me, a non-starter. See comment above above! (Just IMHO......  :icon_biggrin:)
The Aaron said:
Perhaps, but that isn't the way the winner's brackets have worked out. Check out post #199.

Rush could (and likely will) end up against Iron Maiden in the semi-finals. Both ZZ Top and Motley Crue would have to be eliminated for that to happen (and they will be, IMO.)

My official prediction: Iron Maiden vs Led Zeppelin in the final round.

Ah, I didn't realize it was a playoff bracket situation.  I thought it was just a random bunch of conversation-starter type questions.
I'm not so sure Led Zep will win due to fan fatigue.  If they do win, then that's what they do, they always win, big deal.  I'd like see, Iron Maiden win, or anyone else.  It would be more fun.  I know, this is sacrilege, but ... whatever.  Wait ... are the Beach Boys still in it?
Rick said:
I'm not so sure Led Zep will win due to fan fatigue.  If they do win, then that's what they do, they always win, big deal.  I'd like see, Iron Maiden win, or anyone else.  It would be more fun.  I know, this is sacrilege, but ... whatever.  Wait ... are the Beach Boys still in it?

Honestly, that's why I put Led Zep up against the Beatles in the first round....because I wanted a different outcome than Zep and Beatles in the final.
I'm afraid our age is showing. When I go into a store that is playing background music, the music is inevitably from the middle of the 20th century!!! I sometimes ask at the counter when are stores going to catch up and play music from this century, after all we are 2 decades into the 21st century. But no one has an answer.  Were any of the bands in the competition formed in this century????? Or have band members that are less than 50 years old?  Don't mean to be a downer but we've got to keep up with the times.  :>)
Are you looking for reason why? It's not all of it, but a great deal of it has to do with intellectual property rights. There are performance rights, reproduction rights, distribution rights, recording rights - the list is long. So, you try to play stuff that was created long ago or under what would now be considered "bad" contracts so you don't have to pay all those various royalties.
I noticed the same at a baseball game last week. One other thing that actually strikes me as more odd: I'm not hearing notstalgia resurrection for 70's soft rock. Yeah,Aerosmith has essentially never gone away. But the hotel I was at recently was playing a bunch of Gordon Lightfoot, 10cc, etc.. in the lobby, and I was just awe struck. I'm more of a child of the 80's, but the 70's was reallh the last time that POP music depended on the strength of the song and not production. I mean, the song survives with just a vocal and (insert chordal accompanyment instrument)
Okay, now i'm gonna be the guy Aaron is talking about. VH over AC/DC????