Warmoth LP headstock vs Gibson


Junior Member
Has anyone tried to put a Gibson overlay on a Warmoth LP headstock?  Curious how close the shapes are or if any one has done an overlay of the two in Photoshop to compare the differences.  I was originally thinking of cloning my headstock like the Gibson, but some of the decals aren't that good...saw one recently that actually looked like Pearl which is a big improvement.

Was also toying with getting custom vinyl lettering done in my own handwriting....does anyone know a place that can do that?  Most places have you choose from there font.

Why fake it? Just your call the guitar an "Slamtastic [insert your surname here]". Way cooler than explaining to people that it's not really a gibson when the debcal comes off :)
Seems like a waste to build something as nice as a Warmoth, then put Gibson's name on it. At best, people will just think you're silly and misguided. At worst, they'll think you don't know any better, or that you think they're stupid. Of course, chicks dig liars, right? <grin>
See? You should call it "lilguitar" and have it be a great big thick badass of a thing. Mine might have to be the Custom Cletus .
You really want a bolt-on guitar with the Gibson name on it? Any guitarist will be like "fake!" at your first show. Why bother? They're not even Gibson licensed products.
I bought a Gibson headstock decal earlier this year in anticipation of someday building a Warmoth LP.  I don't know what I was thinking, but I now realize that it was stupid, and a waste of $20.00.
Anyone else ever get tired of all the condescending attitudes??? Especially those from a select few. :dontknow:
pabloman said:
Anyone else ever get tired of all the condescending attitudes??? Especially those from a select few. :dontknow:

I just do what I want and let the haters hate.  The vast majority are the people who can't afford another build anyway.


p.s.  Personally, I wouldn't put a Gibson logo on something that's too cool to have been made by them.  If I felt like making a bolt-on tribute Gibby though, I'd do it in a heartbeat.  DOWHATCHAWANT. 
I'm gonna build a LP and put a Fender logo on it. Mwahahahahaaaaa !  :laughing7:
I'm with the do what you want crowd. Truth is, Gibson is much more widely recognised than Warmoth and is most definitely a status symbol. In much the same way that some people hate to admit that they smoke to look cool and fox hunting is for fun, people don't like to admit that a fake Gibson can look as cool as a real one for a lot less bucks.