
Larry Graham Signature? Well, Tribute (CAR Content)


"Hey should we honor Larry Graham, a massive bass pioneer who famously whipped a Jazz Bass around, with a signature bass? Nah, instead, let's make TWO different signature basses for the guy in U2 WHICH HE WON'T EVEN PLAY LIVE." -Fender, probably

So, rather than wait for this to happen, I got to work. Yes, there is technically a Moon Larry Graham, but it's not really my speed. This has been sitting in pieces for a couple of years, and I'm stalled on a few fronts. The first is pure laziness. The second is: I want to do a "Larry Graham" headstock lettering next to the Warmoth slide, but have not found a good place to accept my (highly engineered) vectors and cut them for me. Anyone have any leads? The third is: I am really debating doing my usual "sunk" neck plate, because I will have a heck of a time doing touch-up on the excellent CAR paintjob if I chip it.

At any rate, this snowballed from "just" a Larry Graham "flavored" P/J to a full-on J, partly because I realized it was sooooo close to being a Larry Graham Tribute after I dummied it together, and partly because I have never liked the PJ sound, despite badly needing a P with flatwounds under my roof. I'll make a separate Warmoth P-in-J body bass with my American Special P-pickup instead (build / story incoming). I dug up as many close-ups of Larry's bass as I could, and, I might try to get a flower sticker printed for the 2nd fret.

Body specs: Alder, 60's spacing, CAR and one special request that Spike GRACIOUSLY handled for me and which I am extremely thankful for. Thanks again, Spike!
Neck specs: (see below - of course some personal liberties / deviations were taken from a true 60s Fender model, excited to really try these 6130s!)
Misc: Bill Lawrence flat polepiece P/Us, although I can't get the thought of chrome DiMarzios Sixties out of my head. I already know the Bill Lawrences are going to rock my socks, and putting looks before sound is sorta counterproductive, so...maybe. I have a mini connector kit (the old PC connectors, like EMGs) so I might toss it together with those, for quick changes, maybe. Dunlop straplocks, Gotoh bent bridge and Lollipops of course. Labella Deep Talkin' .045-.105s. Thinking a fun 70s "swoosh" font for the neckplate. Parchment/black/parchment pickguard WITH a big plan to do a "faker" tugbar - just a black plastic strip sized as a tugbar, but totally flush with the pickguard surface. I know, I know, mint is totally the play on CAR, but we'll see. Oh, and, I found a really cool flowery Souldier strap with white leather which should complete the look.

For extra fun, I have a complete S-1 control panel which I think will work as follows: UP = normal "J" mode. DOWN = sends the neck pickup around the tone knob and straight to the output jack, leaving the tone knob to influence ONLY the bridge pickup. As a recent stack-knob convert, the mixture of dimed neck pickup (tone and volume) plus a toned down, rolled-in bridge gives you an awesome "smack" without the 3-knob "fog of mosquitoes" (think: the nasty pullup in MTUME's "Juicy Fruit," or "Juicy" by Notorious B.I.G. if you prefer) which I think can only enhance the usual Larry Graham riffs. (ignore the stack knob plate and Reggie Hamilton PG below)

Anyway, still a WIP. The body is still swaddled in Scotch low-stick masking tape so it doesn't get scratched, otherwise I'd get more glorious CAR pics. I made a tool which will help me get the body square in the machine when (the body) is upside down, so I'm motivated now more than ever.



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BTW for your headstock lettering, are you thinking waterslide or metal?
I spent a lot of time debating inlaid polished aluminum / 1pc raised nameplate, and I think either case woluld make a complete mess of the CAR *or* look cheesy (or both). I’m just hoping for some gloss black vinyl cut that I can stick on / repair as necessary. I got into it with 2 different vinyl cut sticker vendors, and tl;dr - their CAM software is total garbage and does a poor job of importing vectors. So, they try to recreate my vector work and it always looks terrible. If I find someone who has better software OR knows some good tricks on how to import, I should be in business.
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