Wiring a Jaguar is a special form of hell that I find it difficult to believe anyone deserves.
I've only done it a few times, and shorts are common. They're usually in the forward upper control cavity, but there's lotsa opportunity in the lower forward cavity. In the upper cavity, you have to squeeze by the pots, which can bend leads over to where they touch housings and take signal to ground, and in the lower forward cavity you end up with about 18 terminals exposed on those switches. In both cases, things may work until you screw down the mounting plates. At that point, the close quarters mean it's easy for a bit of wire to bend a terminal over and contact something it shouldn't, which somehow almost always ends up being a ground.
If you know this ahead of time, you use a lotta heat shrink tubing. If not, you'll probably go through some electrical tape isolating conductors.