2nd Coat
I mixed 10ml of dye / pigment and 5ml of white with the 5ml left over from the first coat. Again I had 5ml left over after application. So the first coat took 20ml of dye/pigment, the second coat took, 10ml of dye/pigment. This means I've used up one entire bottle of the dye pigment. Fortunately, because I'm going for an 80/20 mix, I ordered a second bottle of dye pigment . That's a $15 upcharge. I could've mixed it with other colors (I did an internet search and a guy in Australia mixed t-bird with surf girl (surf green) and it looked nice), but I wanted to keep it this milky turqoise blue. I'll probably wind up using 10ml of the mix on the third coat, and then 5ml on the fourth, and even less on subsequent coats. I'm going to be using less and less of the white coat so I've got plenty of that. By the 6th or 7th coat it'll probably not be absorbing. We'll see.
Also, in between coats I've been doing a light scuffing with 0000 steel wool, followed by a wipe with a paper towel not very damped with naptha; paper is almost dry, and it's got all the dust. No issues and it's smooth as a baby's butt.
The application is still dead simple and very easy. It's darkening up nicely, less yellow showing thru.
Should be intereting ... transparent taos turquoise sparkle; that's combining a solid color with transparant with flake. Cool
As I understand it, this finish is a mixture of dye and pigment. Something to think about if I'm going to replicate it in the future with transtints. But I'm happy to have Wudtone put together the finishing package it really is a big time saver, and since I'm not making lots of guitars makes economic sense.
The instructions say wait 24-48 hours between coats, but it's tempting to try to accellerate the process. Must resist.