Actually, the whole "pawn shop prize" experience has pretty much gone by the wayside and I feel sorry for the kids coming up because they may never really experience the joy of finding something spectacular for sale for next to nothing. Most shops now just put the good stuff on ebay, where it's gonna sell in no time flat. Why let things you paid almost nothing for sit on the shelf for eternity until just the right buyer comes along when you can get market price in a matter of days or less?
Used to be, those guys often had little or no idea what they had, and would put it on the floor for cost+ if the borrower reneged. You never knew what you'd find in a pawn shop, or what it would cost. So, sometimes you'd win big. I got my '61 Gibson Melody Maker for $100 that way, and one of my brothers got a Mint blackface Fender Twin for $100 that way. Examples abound, which is why the phenomena is talked about so much.
Not anymore, though. Usually what's out for sale now is the kind of thing that comes in blister packs with a $10 ($495 value!) practice amp, a vinyl gig bag, a strap, a pick and a DVD.
Damn internet, educating everybody. There oughta be a law...