
Fender Pawn Shop series?

Well, like them or not; as someone ancient enough to have actually haunted pawn shops in the late 60's/early 70's, I can guarantee you you'd NEVER see anything like these there then. Late 50's-early 60's stock Teles/Strats for a couple of hundred bucks, with maybe a shitty repaint job...
jackthehack said:
Well, like them or not; as someone ancient enough to have actually haunted pawn shops in the late 60's/early 70's, I can guarantee you you'd NEVER see anything like these there then. Late 50's-early 60's stock Teles/Strats for a couple of hundred bucks, with maybe a shitety repaint job...

You're absolutely right. I'm also ancient enough to have done those tours myself, so I know. And a couple hundred bucks was often only if the thing was in very good condition. When I get together with my brothers these days, we often talk about the stuff we owned or had access to that are now gone and lament letting go of them. Especially when you see some of these guys just going gaga over crap we'd have sold for nearly nothing or traded away at the drop of a hat to get something else we thought would solve all our problems, and now they're paying mega-bucks for the stuff while every guy who owns a soldering iron is forming a "boutique" amp company to reproduce that stuff under different names for even bigger bucks.

I mean, Fender Champ amps? Who wanted one of those? You could practically pick them out of the trash. Princetons were a bare step up. Pro Reverbs and Bandmasters were for wannabes. Now, guys act like they're the holy grail. Fender Mustangs? Are you kidding me? Why? Teles were, even in Leo's words, "working man's guitars". You only bought one of those if you couldn't afford a good guitar.

Times sure have changed. Thank god, eh? <grin>

I want this.

Ugliest guitar I've seen all week.
AutoBat said:
Ugliest guitar I've seen all week.

Now, now. Be nice. We've seen what you like. You wouldn't know ugly if it gave you rabies <grin>
No, that 51 is just about right. I'll wait until Warmoth let's us do them, so I can have one in yellow-red-black sunburst, maple/maple neck, white guard and a TV Jones in the bridge position. If I'm gonna drop a grand on a guitar, I'm gonna get what I want, not a choice of two colors.
Are they really going to be over a grand? I can't imagine so. Word is they're MIM models so they should be well under that, even considering the Road Worn, MIM Deluxe, Classic and Classic Player guitars all got a price hike recently.
Ace Flibble said:
Are they really going to be over a grand? I can't imagine so. Word is they're MIM models so they should be well under that, even considering the Road Worn, MIM Deluxe, Classic and Classic Player guitars all got a price hike recently.

Nah, they are $799.99 at Musicians Friend.  The only one I would consider is the Lake Placid Blue Mustang.  Until then I will fight the urge <sarcasm>
Oops! I'm sorry. I thought I was replying to Agwan-agwannadanna when I wrote that. But, if the shoe fits... <grin>
With the mismatched hums, full range and standard in the same guitar, "Pawn Shop" fits nicely.  I recall seeing abominations like that and many "what was this guy thinking" hanging on many a Pawn Shop wall before.  The F-holed one though is hardly a garage retrofit.  Some of these are too nice for the Pawn Shop genre they're going for.  If they wanted to retrofit a Floyd on one and make the route too big, put a Tele Bridge on a Strat and leave the trem claw route, or cover the entire thing in Krylon without taping anything off, now we're talking Pawn Shop.  Now I'm getting visions of the once forgotten Ibanez RG neck on an acoustic guitar.
Actually, the whole "pawn shop prize" experience has pretty much gone by the wayside and I feel sorry for the kids coming up because they may never really experience the joy of finding something spectacular for sale for next to nothing. Most shops now just put the good stuff on ebay, where it's gonna sell in no time flat. Why let things you paid almost nothing for sit on the shelf for eternity until just the right buyer comes along when you can get market price in a matter of days or less?

Used to be, those guys often had little or no idea what they had, and would put it on the floor for cost+ if the borrower reneged. You never knew what you'd find in a pawn shop, or what it would cost. So, sometimes you'd win big. I got my '61 Gibson Melody Maker for $100 that way, and one of my brothers got a Mint blackface Fender Twin for $100 that way. Examples abound, which is why the phenomena is talked about so much.

Not anymore, though. Usually what's out for sale now is the kind of thing that comes in blister packs with a $10 ($495 value!) practice amp, a vinyl gig bag, a strap, a pick and a DVD.

Damn internet, educating everybody. There oughta be a law...
I hate Pawn shop... shopping here in Utah. the good guitars are rare, the decent ones severely overpriced. and the crap ones priced at 300 dollars and plentiful

I'm willing to but that blue hardtail Squier Bullet down at the local Pawnshop.

I just refuse to pay 250 dollars for it.

I'd pay 70.
I hate Pawn shop... shopping here in Utah. the good guitars are rare, the decent ones severely overpriced. and the crap ones priced at 300 dollars and plentiful

I'm willing to but that blue hardtail Squier Bullet down at the local Pawnshop.

I just refuse to pay 250 dollars for it.

I'd pay 70.
welcome to ebay syndrome, ever since they started the bid for crap online, prices skyrocketed every where.

by the way, craigslist is the way to find the 70 dollar stuff, just be patient grasshopper, and have cash in hand, there is always someone who needs cash fast on craigslist
Märkeaux said:
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
The F-holed one though is hardly a garage retrofit. 

Unless Fender hired a certain former art major to paint them on.
best post so far
I sometimes wonder if he knows how famous he is ?
totally Ebay syndrome.

I can get a NEW Ibanez RG321... for what they're asking for a starter kit Squier.

a pickup swap later and its one hell of a good worker...