
Fender Pawn Shop series?


Epic Member
The "Pawn Shop" models were featured in the Musiciansfriend.com email I got this a.m.; thought it was an April Fool's joke, but NOOOOOOO:

"Pawn Shop" is silly. I do like the '51 style. Is this the first as a Fender instead of Squire?

The pickups confuse me. There's the 4 screw Wide Range (kind of). Then there's the three screw Enforcer. The '72 has one of each. Then there's the three screw Enforcer that looks like the Wide Range on the Mustang Special. I guess they're trying to look like they were put together from the odd parts bin.
that blue mustang with the wide range humbuckers is a beauty. and that funny lookin strat would be alright if didn't have the totally mismatching bridge pickup and pickup ring
I think

I like the new Ideas, I like the out of the box thinking

I just find the name ridiculous

that's all
Um - dont they look like imitations of some of our own guitars, you guys? I think the Mustang looks killer and I've pondered that exact configuration but don't think I could handle the 24" scale.
I like the mustang, and the '72 has some appeal, BUT...
I'm still not a fan of mismatched humbuckers. At least have it able to fit Wide range AND regular humbuckers (special ring? I don't care), and have the pickups look the same.

I want this.

A video of 'em in action


They're not April Fools, several UK online shops have them listed and available to pre-order - apparently they are taking money for them so I guess they must really be on their way. They sound pretty good.