
EVH wolfgang build

The solution is simple. Build whatever headstock is close to what you want, then Photoshop it until it's right. Think of the time you'll save!

Aww, look. Now I'm using "Photoshop" as a verb. Dammit!
DMRACO said:
Does anyone know where I can find the dimentions of a wolfgang?  One thing that impressed my about the guitar was how small it felt.  This thing feels huge!  I may take it down to the local GC and compare.
I took a drawing and scaled it to fit a neck pocket, pick up set up I have, and came out with this...
DangerousR6 said:
DMRACO said:
Does anyone know where I can find the dimentions of a wolfgang?  One thing that impressed my about the guitar was how small it felt.  This thing feels huge!  I may take it down to the local GC and compare.
I took a drawing and scaled it to fit a neck pocket, pick up set up I have, and came out with this...

Thanks Doug.  That is VERY close to mine.  Mine may be a little smaller with a deep horn cut.  I also had to square off the neck mount area so it would not extend over a WARMOTH neck profile.

I am taking my drawing/template to Guitar Center tomorrow.  They have 4-5 in stock.  I want to look and see if there are any major differences.  I also need to profile the back edge of the body so it is not square.  That will make a difference too.  I am not sure what router bit to get.  Those things are EXPENSIVE!!!!  :o

I am also very happy with the EVH knob placement, mostly the volume.  I want to try to match that.

I was able to drill and route the upper horn for the toggle.  Once a get the final shape and sanded to 220, I am going to glue on the lam top.

I have been thinking a lot about finish.  I think the z-poxy I am using on the body will highlight both the mahogany and maple well and add a bit of an amber hue.  I am considering tinting the neck to match the mahogany.  I am going to leave a natural binding but may use some tobacco brown to highlight the body and neck.  I do not want to cover up that fantastic top.  I will wait and see what it looks like after the body is sealed.
Well I went to Guitar Center and put my template against a REAL EVH Wolfgang.  I was right.  It is smaller.  Just on the bottom.  It is off by about .5 inch.  Not sure if you can see the line I drew in the photo.  I am planning on cutting this off tomorrow.  Everything else was spot on. 
Also, please take a look at the material that is left in the control box area...about 5 o'clock.  Does this look too thin?  I was going to cut a piece to glue in and strengthen the area.  I am only putting two control knobs in there.  Thoughts??


BTW...the folks at Guitar Center did not like me tracing one of their prized EVH models.... :glasses10:
re: Control cavity wall thickness

If we're looking at the same thing, and I think we are, that's huge compared to some I've seen. Specifically, look at the control cavities for SGs and Melody Makers. They're less than half that thickness and you don't hear too many complaints about them. Although, I've seen several broken and had one myself, but still. Their walls are very thin, so that would be expected. Plus, they were thinner bodies. I'd say you don't have anything to worry about.
Cagey, I do see your point and thought the same things.  BUT>>>>  (you knew that was coming)...being that the area is right where the input jack is going, I am going to add some material.  Better safe than sorry.  It will take less than 10 minutes to cut and fit.
well...1st MAJOR mishap.  I got greedy.  In an effort to make the size more like and EVH rather than the Peavey wolfgang, I cut off of section as I outlined above.  I was so worried about the top I forgot about the bottom and it cut into the control box cover area.  :doh:  SO>>>>>

I glued the secion back on.  Fits perfect...Obviously.  The seam on the toop will be covered with the lam top I already had planned.  The back and sides match up but you can see the seam.  I guess I will be finishing it with the burst for sure now.  That will teach me for getting greedy.

The sides did get thin but the tight-bond should hold it fine.  A quick hit with the sander and all should be well in EVH land.  Next time I will route my own control box.

My poor body looks like it is in intensive care with all the clamps re-attaching its lost limb!!!
lesson #2...trim the lam top before glue.  While the top was a tight for for the body, overhangs made it difficult to clamp in places.  Nothing about 100 lbs to weight cannot cure!! 

The lam top was completely flat and layed real well.  I clamped the rear areas with less over hang and added weight to the others.  I used wood fir strips to distribute the weight across the body.  there are no gaps to be seen and the seam is very tight.

Now I wait.

Glue dry and body shape cut.  Looks great.  Spalt in the middle really worked well.  My biggest challenge now is finding the Floyd mount holes.  The template will help and I also made some pilot holes to follow.

I am very happy.
That's really nice looking.  Forgive me if you indicated above, but are you going to bind the top on this baby? Black or cream would look sexy.
Bagman67 said:
That's really nice looking.  Forgive me if you indicated above, but are you going to bind the top on this baby? Black or cream would look sexy.

No binding.  I natural masked binding will be used.

I do agree, black would look killer.
I am very anxious to get the z-poxy on it.  It should really pop the grain.  I need to spend Sunday sanding the edges first.  The whole body is going to get the epoxy so it is smooth as glass.  This will be the first time I have used epoxy.  Fingers are crossed.
DMRACO said:
I am very anxious to get the z-poxy on it.  It should really pop the grain.  I need to spend Sunday sanding the edges first.  The whole body is going to get the epoxy so it is smooth as glass.  This will be the first time I have used epoxy.  Fingers are crossed.
You'll be amazed at how much it jumps out when you start applying the finish. I didn't use zpoxy, I used regular Loctite 2 ton epoxy and I was like... :o
DangerousR6 said:
DMRACO said:
I am very anxious to get the z-poxy on it.  It should really pop the grain.  I need to spend Sunday sanding the edges first.  The whole body is going to get the epoxy so it is smooth as glass.  This will be the first time I have used epoxy.  Fingers are crossed.
You'll be amazed at how much it jumps out when you start applying the finish. I didn't use zpoxy, I used regular Loctite 2 ton epoxy and I was like... :o

do you have a photo? 

I picked the z-poxy because it has a slight amber hue to it.


The epoxy I used has no type of UV protection, so it naturally begins to take on an amber hue over time.