
EVH wolfgang build

reluctant-builder said:
[I know you said you tried and it didn't look as good, but can we see it? I'm curious to note the difference.


Direct link

I vote for flame out... :icon_thumright:

The way the spalt fits together is full of awesomeness... :headbang1:
Damn it...you are making me second guess my plan.  The spalt does look good in the middle.  IT would also make better sense to keep the spalt awat from the edges.  The wood is stable but would be better internal.  It also looks good with the grain of the fretboard.
I also think rotating it 180° would be a goo idea, as there's some really nice looking bits on what is currently the ass end.
Agreed.  Flipping it will also angle the flame towards the tail. 

Time to sketch out the body.

Thanks for everyone's opinion.  You opened my eyes to a great option.
I spent some time on the saw and router last night.  I still have to route and drill the upper toggle switch.  I also have to make some mods on the upper horn and neck pocket.  The stock EVH wolfgang has a VERY long neck pocket and did not work perfect with the warmoth neck profile.  I simply have to deepen the upper horn cut by about 1/8 inch.

Next on to the headstock.

DMRACO said:
I spent some time on the saw and router last night.  I still have to route and drill the upper toggle switch.  I also have to make some mods on the upper horn and neck pocket.  The stock EVH wolfgang has a VERY long neck pocket and did not work perfect with the warmoth neck profile.  I simply have to deepen the upper horn cut by about 1/8 inch.

Next on to the headstock.

Thanks for posting the direct link. I like the spalted middle, and the idea to flip it 180-degrees.

I don't know why I can't see most of your photos, though. The headstock one doesn't work for me either.
Does anyone know where I can find the dimentions of a wolfgang?  One thing that impressed my about the guitar was how small it felt.  This thing feels huge!  I may take it down to the local GC and compare.
it is turning out well

I have noticed there are two different version of the Peavey headstock.  The scallop is slightly different.

This version is VERY large.  it is rounder and extends more.

this one is slightly smaller...the look I am trying to achieve.