B3Guy said:This Mer-Angel?
Cagey said:No need to get excited. Just sit back from your monitor about 18' and let your eyes relax. Sometimes it takes a while, but suddenly it'll pop into view. It's not your eyes - you have to trick your brain into focusing on something that isn't there...
line6man said:More wood porn to silence you Flamed Maple Naysayers. :blob7:
rapfohl09 said:Man it looks like you've gotten a lot of work done! Where are the pictures?!
line6man said:...the specific shape of the router dings affects the body resonance in a pleasing way. :blob7:
reluctant-builder said:It's such a joy to see this come together. I was not a maple naysayer. I think the whole sandwich looks mighty tasty.
Edit: How hard would it be to make one's own neck-pocket routing template, if you had a thick piece of plexiglass and already owned a Warmoth neck? Seems like that would be a better recipe for accuracy than relying on seemingly unreliable Stew-Mac.
rapfohl09 said:...I made an insanely tight, perfect neck pocket for my Tele neck in about an hour. I then made 4 more in about 20 minutes. Ka-ching!