
Warmoth Jam #2

kboman said:
I just want to butt in here and say I really really enjoyed this solo! Great sound you got there, and this is from someone who is allergic to treble :icon_thumright:
Cheers  :icon_biggrin:
I haven't got all the gear I used to have because of some thieving swine, so I'm plugging the guitar straight into the line-in. Makes it a bit harder to play because there is a bit of noticable lag from an iffy soundcard, but it does mean I get to play around with Amplitube 3 to get some interesting tones, the variety of options in that software is just astounding.
I'm a fan of guitar straight into amp tones, but this one was an interesting experiment. It's a dual tone sort of affair, one side having just an amp overdriven and the other side has fuzz that goes through a phaser into a relatively clean amp. I used a heavy compressor on the non-phaser part, so the phaser only really kicks in when I hammer it, gives it an interesting dynamic imo.
Can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with. It's really inspiring hearing all the different solos and styles.
GoDrex said:
I feel like there's too much going on in this progression for me to get a nice handle on it. Like it takes too long to repeat or something. I'll keep trying but I'm not really feeling it. :icon_scratch:

Also ...
I think the really bad timing in the keyboard track makes it a no go for me.
I'll be sitting this one out.

Guys, the deadline is July 15th so there is A TON of time left.

Play of the changes for a while & get used to it & you can post a solo when you want to.

There is no hurry. I won't be doing mine for another week.
Steve_Karl said:
GoDrex said:
I feel like there's too much going on in this progression for me to get a nice handle on it. Like it takes too long to repeat or something. I'll keep trying but I'm not really feeling it. :icon_scratch:

Also ...
I think the really bad timing in the keyboard track makes it a no go for me also.
I'll be sitting this one out.

How about if I remove the keys or change them to something more 'normal'. I'd hate for anyone to sit this one out because of something that can be changed.

Let me know what works for you guys & I'll change things around.
ok here's my three solos  :laughing7:

with the backing track: http://www.wfzr.net/warmoth/GoDrex%20-%20Warmoth%20Jam%202%20mix.mp3

without the backing: http://www.wfzr.net/warmoth/GoDrex%20-%20Warmoth%20Jam%202%20solo.wav

Doughboy said:
Steve_Karl said:
GoDrex said:
I feel like there's too much going on in this progression for me to get a nice handle on it. Like it takes too long to repeat or something. I'll keep trying but I'm not really feeling it. :icon_scratch:

Also ...
I think the really bad timing in the keyboard track makes it a no go for me also.
I'll be sitting this one out.

How about if I remove the keys or change them to something more 'normal'. I'd hate for anyone to sit this one out because of something that can be changed.

Let me know what works for you guys & I'll change things around.

Na ... don't worry about it for me. It's just my subjective take on it. Somethings I like and some I don't. I'm just old and set in my ways.  :-)

Come on Steve just stitch something together! Pretend you're on a session and the producer needs a solo and you need to get it done yesterday! Based on your blues solo which was incredible, I'm sure you could pull something out of your ass that would smoke us all.  :laughing7:

I wonder if I could do a solo to this just using the whole tone scale.  :laughing7:
Steve, you CAN'T sit this one out. You had my favorite tone & solo on the last Jam Track & I was really looking forward to hearing what you were going to do on this one.

Play over the track for a little while & it will grow on you.  :guitaristgif:
It sounded like a bunch of IM windows opening up at first. :laughing7:

I'll listen again tomorrow and see what I come up with for a solo. There's a thunderstorm blowing through right now, so I'm shutting down my computer.
I had to listen a few times before I figured out the groove. But I think it is a really cool track now. I love jamming on it and can hopefully get something recorded.
JimBeed ?
BigBeard ?
Biggus Pickus

Ok it looks like we've got probably 6 people involved and possibly another 2. :icon_thumright:

We need a few more - - so I'm bumping this up. I know there are people around here with recording gear. Take your shiny piece of art off the wall, dust it off, and record something.  :laughing7:
Doughboy said:
Steve, you CAN'T sit this one out. You had my favorite tone & solo on the last Jam Track & I was really looking forward to hearing what you were going to do on this one.
Agreed, that tone was soooo clean, almost pedal steel like in places, loved it.
JimBeed ?
BigBeard ?
Kublai ?
Biggus Pickus

looking good! :icon_thumright:

there's always room for more.
Time for me to get out my scales list and practice like a crazed Gerbil.... ok that doesnt make sense  :toothy12:
Sorry to disappoint if i am but im going to have to pull out of this, know i was just a maybe but better to say now... need to practice my stuff before i can manage this. wont have the time to record one.
Maybe warmoth jam 10? haha
Don't let me hold up someone's spot. I may not even get my recording gear straightened out in time.