
Gettin' Phreaky in Phrygian on Phriday!


Master Member
A friend of mine designs apps and games for a living.  He has a new game in development and asked me if I could make creepy horror music with my guitar.  My answer was, "of course!"  I found a really outside, esoteric, backing track in E Phrygian and this is what came out.  It is effects-heavy, which I don't usually do.  But since it is intended to be in the background of a video game, I put in the flanger, chorus, delay, and reverb. 

Here is a link to the backing track by MangoJamz:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bDVxkLtzBg

I'd like to see some of my UW brothers on here jam on this track and post up what you came up with.  It is in E phrygian.  Actually, it is in E phrygian dominant, but straight phrygian works, as well.  Actually, if anyone really pays attention, I also used locrian in a few places, as well as dorian and aeolian.  Not surprisingly, E pentatonic minor works, also.

Here's my Phreaky Phrygian demo:


If you read the comments below my video on the You Tube page, I might have sold MangoJamz on building his first Warmoth!
fdesalvo said:
Dig it!  One of my favorite modes - and the only one I can name lol.

Thanks, Frank!  Glad you gave it a listen.  It's obviously really long at 8:10.  Best listened to as background sound as you're engaged in another activity, like changing strings on a guitar, lol. 

From the player's perspective, being so long really gives the opportunity to stretch out and get lost in a sonic universe.  I can tell you when I was playing this, I was in a total zone.  :laughing7:
I understand the joy of being in the zone for sure.  That's a really beautiful guitar, btw.

fdesalvo said:
I understand the joy of being in the zone for sure.  That's a really beautiful guitar, btw.

Thank you.  I remember when I bought it.  FernandoDuarte had posted the body up in the "GAS Alert!!!" thread.  I saw it on that thread and had to have it.  I said nothing and bought it almost immediately.  There were postings about "where did it go?"  "Who bought it?" etc.  I kept quiet.  About the same time, someone posted in the same thread about the two-off unknown bolivian hardwood necks with Warmoth headstocks.  I nabbed one of those, also.  The only one who knew about my purchase was DangerousR6, who made me a neck plate for it.  When I posted the completed build, Fernando said, "WOW! Thanks for buying this Doc!  :laughing7:"

The thread: http://unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=4693.0   