
The korina Jazzuar - DONE !!

So the next step was installing the neck.

I was waiting on the inserts to arrive and decided to start on with the tuners.
I aligned the two far machine heads to the neck and then aligned the rest to them:


Last- the inserts arrived!
This has been for sure the most nerve wrecking part of this whole project. I had the big help of all you guys (thanks!) plus these topics:
http://unofficialwarmoth.com/index.php?topic=3836.0 (=CB='s advice with the upside down vice was a blast!)
and of course - everything on Cagey's posts :P

So, drilling was hard to align since the XY grid didn't fit with the drill, so had to very carefully align everything by hand- fitting and checking, refitting and checking over and over until it was all in place. Measure twice drill once eh? :P


I tapped the hole as adviced by Cagey with a drilled wood to keep the angle' and the inserts went in smoothly, no fuss at all!

And so, after much work and nerve wreck, It is complete!!




The specs:
Black Korina core + Indian rosewood top
Satin finish
Modified Mustang bridge + JM trem - chrome
Jaguar chrome top plate
Seymour Duncan Antiquity II JM pups - Bridge & Neck.

top plate - tone + volume + circuit change
main circuit - tone + volume + 4 way switch (Neck-Series-Perallel-Bridge)
Planet Wave Stereo Gold Jack

Warmoth Pro JM construction
Goncalo Alvs over Bloodwood
Black mother of Pearl dots.
1-3/4'' Black TUSQ XL nut
6130 frets
10-16'' compound
gotoh black chrome height adj. post + locking tuners

It was a wonderful trip. Definitely proud of my first build, hopefully first of many. Clips soon to follow.

Looks amazing... nice job! And what's great about a Warmoth build... besides the exotic wood choices, you would never be able to buy an offset guitar off the shelf with a 1 3/4 nut width. Awesome!
Thanks SlackJaw!
It sure is great. especially for a guy with big hand like me ;)

Haha R6, yeah I wonder what it is...Perhpas something in the area of the plate? :P
Great work!

I love that clamp down you did with the drill press.
That's making me want to discover how to do the same if I ever need to.
Phaedrus said:
Thanks SlackJaw!
It sure is great. especially for a guy with big hand like me ;)

Haha R6, yeah I wonder what it is...Perhpas something in the area of the plate? :P
Steve_Karl said:
Great work!

I love that clamp down you did with the drill press.
That's making me want to discover how to do the same if I ever need to.
Thanks Steve! It is rather simple and great to have it aligned at 90 degrees to the drill. You take the vice and hold it against the bottom of the neck, so the neck sits straight on it. Then you tighten it with two pieces of plywood from each side so to not damage the neck.
because the vice is straight top and bottom, assuming your drill plate is at 90 degrees to the drill itself, the neck will also be at 90. I stuck a piece of folded paper in the gap between the fretboard (which is at the bottom during the drilling) and the drill plate, so it wouldn't go down from the vibrations.
Aligned things and that's it (=
Hope this helps!

Cagey- Thanks! I really am proud.

Rob - Thank you