I was bored at work and had some time to kill, so I drew up a pretty wiring diagram for my build.
I'm a big fan of Passive Treble-Bass (PTB) wiring a la certain G&L, Reverend, and Yamaha guitars. I'm currently using this scheme on three guitars, and this will be the fourth. The bass knob allows the roll off of low end, tightening up the sound. It's especially useful with humbuckers and p90s or other "fat" sounding pickups and also in conjunction with fuzz or distortion pedals.
I intended this wiring diagram for myself, but it ended up looking nice enough to share so I added some notes to it:
-For the volume and tone knobs, use the pots that you normally would with the pickups that you're using, generally 500k audio for hums and p90s or 250k audio for singles.
-For the bass pot, a 1meg reverse audio taper pot is ideal, but you could also use 1meg or 500k linear or even reverse audio (the taper is just not as desirable). For more bass cut use a smaller value cap like .001 .0015, for less use a larger value cap like .0033.
-The "TB" in the diagram stand for treble bleed, this is optional and can be left out.