
question about non-recessed Floyd



I wanted to ask about the non-recessed OFR option on Warmoth bodies.

Does this option totally eliminate all pull-up movement from the tremolo, including heavy-handed palm muting?

I basically want a Floyd that will dive-bomb only, with no chance of movement in the other direction.

Will the non-recessed option provide this, or will I still to install a block for good measure?

Thank you
It all depends on how you set it up.

If you set the spring tension to pull the trem back flush with the body, it won't be able to pull up.

What is a block?
thanks for the reply

as far as a block, I was thinking of one of these...


non-recessed floyds most easily set up in dive only mode. If that's what you want, then that's the way to go!
thrashbastard said:

I wanted to ask about the non-recessed OFR option on Warmoth bodies.

Does this option totally eliminate all pull-up movement from the tremolo, including heavy-handed palm muting?

But I've a Schaller floyd rose with warmoth body non-recessed
(if I set the spring tension to pull the trem back flush with the body, all buzz - I don't have an acceptable action and I have to raise the pivot - )

*unless you set it up with a float.

Non-recessed sounds like exactly what you want.  It'll also allow the addition of an EVH D-Tuna if you so desire.