Alright, here's my family.
From left to right:
---My 'baby', my first real guitar. Got a post-it note drawing of a flamingo on the pickguard from a roommate a long time ago.
---Then, "el-cheapo", the piece of crap guitar I can take camping or the beach without feeling at all guiilty.
---Then, Epi Wildkat. Ugly finish on a cool guitar. Couldn't resist the buy -despite the finish- because it was $100 NEW.
---Then, the love of my life. Alvarez-Yairi acoustic baritone.
---Then, breedlove acoustic. This was a gift. The most normal of my acoustics; friends love to jam on this.
---Then, blue fender strat. My first electric. The battle wounds don't show up much in the photo. This is the guitar I experiment with. I can never get this thing to feel quite right.
---Then, Ibanez partscaster from ebay. Always in various states of assembly because I couldn't give a damn about this thing. My first finish job (if you can really call it that) many moons ago.
--Far far left, there are some planks of pine and ash; these are teles-to-be
The only electric I ever play anymore is my warmoth tele.