@stratamania The 3-screw American Standard Tele bridge rout is intentionally omitted from the website. As far as I'm aware, we can still do it by request through customer service, but here's my understanding of why we removed it from the online builders:
1. We don't carry the hardware
2. The American Standard line is long discontinued
3. The only current Fender Teles that use a 3-hole Tele bridge seem to be the American
Ultra series (and even that bridge has some tweaks)
4. The other current Fender Tele bridge with the word 'American' in the name is the American Professional, and that one is not compatible with
either bridge rout (and it's not unimaginable that somebody might just assume the Am Pro is just the 'new version' of the Am Std and are thus mounting-wise the same)
5. Some customers found all this a bit confusing/frustrating
If an order came through for a body with the American rout but they added one of the Tele bridges we do carry, it was relatively easy to catch and reach out to the customer to correct. If they ordered the body and no hardware, we just had to kind of assume that they were getting a 3-hole bridge elsewhere, and more frequently than you might expect, that was not the case, with the end result being dissatisfaction, returns, remakes, etc.