

dbw said:
I think bidding at the last second is called "sniping" (like what you do with a rifle), not "snipping" (which is what you do with scissors).  There are even services that will do it for you... they can get your bid in in the last 3 seconds  :o
That is correct dbw, when I snipe I usually use to computers at one time or multiple tabs opened in my browser. But it has to be something I just gotta have..And can't find another one with buy it now...
DangerousR6 said:
dbw said:
I think bidding at the last second is called "sniping" (like what you do with a rifle), not "snipping" (which is what you do with scissors).  There are even services that will do it for you... they can get your bid in in the last 3 seconds  :o
That is correct dbw, when I snipe I usually use to computers at one time or multiple tabs opened in my browser. But it has to be something I just gotta have..And can't find another one with buy it now...

Get serious, use auctionsniper.com, doesn't cost shit and a Sun NetUltra cluster with direct T3 access to eBay will smoke your multiple computers/tabs forever unless you get outbid by someone else using it.
ok, this is very exciting for me...
found another non-warmoth that was on my list... for cheap!

check this first:

Much of "Big Generator" was recorded with this guitar!!!!


and this: '85 Westone Spectrum FX


Set neck - there is a second version with an even smoother heel.. this one is good enough for me ;)

I need to find a new locking nut...

Very Versatile, 3 push pull knobs (split, middle pu on and out of phase)

With another Matsumoku Bass that I picked up recently.. need to get peeling off those funky stickers...

Some of my other Westones..
I have no Idea where this westone obsession is coming from...  :dontknow:

So jealous of Marko right now, if nothing else for the sheer number of guitars in that room. But I guess the six guitars in my one-bedroom apartment aren't so bad...  :laughing7:
Wana's made a guitar said:
Marko, do yo ever get sick of all those floyds? I have one and I think that's enough.  :laughing7:

Even one is too many. Those things are far too heavy and complicated. Although, the gadget freak in me is attracted to all those adjustments and complication. They look cool. But I'd rather take a beating than have to deal with one, especially with that goofy locking nut. I'd rather locking tuners and a roller nut, with a very simple 2 point vibrato bridge like the Wilkinson. It's a mechanically simple scheme that allows for normal operation of the instrument and still accomplishes what needs to be done - reliable and repeatable tuning.
Unfortunately, I do not currently own a Warmoth...so it's all "others"...

1989 Alvarez Yairi DY53


1982 Gibson Les Paul Standard Custom Color Candy Apple Red with EMG 85/81


2006 First Act SFA CE140 Lola with Rio Grande Genuine Texas/BBQ


1988 B.C. Rich Gunslinger/Assassin "Graffiti"


1991 Ibanez RG565/550 "Franken-Swirl"


1987 Kramer E.E. SC-3


1989 Kramer Telecaster Custom


1979 Marshall JMP 2104 50W 2x12 with Celestion 25W Greenbacks

Wana's made a guitar said:
Marko, do yo ever get sick of all those floyds? I have one and I think that's enough.  :laughing7:

My Preference kind of shifted to Wilkinson - LSR(or graphite) - locking tuners  in the last couple of years..:)
but I really love some of the FR equipped guitars that I already own, especially the Talons!
Marko, you make me feel so much better about my guitar addiction.  I think we should have an all-out guitar gallery fiesta.  Then, start our own support group.
