
Oh, yes I did. (Neck choice complete, too.)

stratamania said:
Well done, should look good with the body. Have you played a scalloped neck before ?

Yes, I have.  Me and Malmsteen used to hang out.  :occasion14:  And I have always wanted one.  This makes guitar #12 in my collection. 
Rgand said:
That should look really good. Nice selection. Looking forward to seeing that.

Thanks.  I put a note in to see if they would try to pick a neck that's color-tone/grain/pattern would "match" up with the body (if that is even possible).  Maybe they will.  :glasses9:
vikingred said:
stratamania said:
Well done, should look good with the body. Have you played a scalloped neck before ?

Yes, I have.  Me and Malmsteen used to hang out.  :occasion14:  And I have always wanted one.  This makes guitar #12 in my collection.

Cool, I have two scalloped necks, including a Malmsteen Strat. My favourite strat is the Malmsteen.

stratamania said:
vikingred said:
stratamania said:
Well done, should look good with the body. Have you played a scalloped neck before ?

Yes, I have.  Me and Malmsteen used to hang out.  :occasion14:  And I have always wanted one.  This makes guitar #12 in my collection.

Cool, I have two scalloped necks, including a Malmsteen Strat. My favourite strat is the Malmsteen.


Yeah, I've seen some people scoff at the scalloped necks.  And every time I bring one up, people are like, "have you played on a scalloped neck before?"  I guess because some people hate them or can't play them.  I can't believe I've gone this long without one.  This guitar may end up becoming my favorite.  Malmsteen is awesome, btw.  :headbang:
Didn't have the big camera out.  Tied up with work.  Here is a iphone pic:

double A said:
FYI...and this has been kept somewhat hush, hush...you may want to check out some of the Vintage Tint necks from the last month or two. You might like the color better.  :icon_thumright:

MUCH better indeed. Will new custom orders come with the new tint recipe, or do you need to request it?
What a body! I'm not sure why but Koa has really been growing on me recently. This guitar will make an awesome metal machine.  :guitarplayer2: :headbanging: :headbang1:
Axkoa said:
I'm not sure why but Koa has really been growing on me recently.

Sooner or later with a name like Axkoa it had to happen. But as it normally only grows in Hawaii, it could be a good thing it is growing somewhere else now :turtle:

Seriously, I wonder if it is possible to cultivate Koa and get it to grow somewhere else.
stratamania said:
Axkoa said:
I'm not sure why but Koa has really been growing on me recently.

Sooner or later with a name like Axkoa it had to happen. But as it normally only grows in Hawaii, it could be a good thing it is growing somewhere else now :turtle:

Seriously, I wonder if it is possible to cultivate Koa and get it to grow somewhere else.

Well I guess I just have to make a Koa Warmoth guitar.

I wouldn't be surprised if it were possible to grow Koa here in Australia. Probably in the northern parts of Queensland. Apparently Tasmanian Blackwood is a very similar type of wood to Koa, as well as climate in Australia being similarish to Hawaii.
vikingred said:
Cagey, where do I obtain & how do I install "threaded inserts"??  This is contoured neck pocket.

I get the inserts, the machine screws and the installation tool for the inserts from McMaster-Carr, but that's not the only place you can get all that stuff. Basically, what you need to know is the inserts have an inside thread of 8-32, and they're (supposedly) self-tapping inserts. I say "supposedly" because it depends on what you're running them into. Necks are typically made of the harder hardwoods, which resist that sort of thing. You really want to tap the holes before you run the inserts in. So, that means you need a tap. The one I use is a 5/16-16 bottoming tap (don't forget to get a tap handle) to match the inserts I use, which are McMaster's part number 90016A009, and use the insert tool 94110A120. To drill and relieve the holes for them, you need a 1/4" forstner bit such as their part 8799A31, and the countersink is done with another forstner bit 8799A32. A typical Fender neck uses #8 x 1 3/4" wood screws, but we're going to change those to machine screws. Still #8, still 1 3/4" long, but now they're a part number 91802A204, which is an 8-32 x 1 3/4" stainless steel philips oval head machine screw. For a contoured heel, you'll need two of those and two a bit shorter at 1 1/2", part # 91802A203. The inserts come 25 to a pack, and the screws come 50 to a pack. Screws aren't available in color unless you wanna get 'em painted, which I wouldn't recommend. The paint won't survive installation and will look worse than the raw brushed stainless.

To install them, you need a drill press and a cross vise to drill the holes, as it's extremely important that you control the angularity and depth of the holes drilled. Then you'll need the tap I already mentioned and a tap handle to drive it in with, along with something to keep it at 90 degrees to the heel. Then, you'll need some kind of handle to drive the insert installation tool. It has a 1/4" hex drive, so you have a lotta choices there.

There's a brief series of photos and explanations in this thread to give you an idea of what's involved.
Axkoa said:
Well I guess I just have to make a Koa Warmoth guitar.

I wouldn't be surprised if it were possible to grow Koa here in Australia. Probably in the northern parts of Queensland. Apparently Tasmanian Blackwood is a very similar type of wood to Koa, as well as climate in Australia being similarish to Hawaii.

I found a link to a book that discusses lots of things to do with Koa, it turns out to be written by an Australian too.


It might be an interesting read. I would like to build something with Koa too one of these days :-)
Koa koa, bo boa, fee fi fo foa....

