
June Guitar/Bass of the Month: WINNER!!!!!!

Who Should Win

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Rá! Hard month again, some guys really need to post more pics of the instrument, specially pics of the entire thing ~hint hint~
Yes, so many great entries this month... so many hard choices...

I WAS going to vote for Mully, but I just couldn't bring myself to vote for someone clearly anti-warmoth (not to mention his incomplete entry, blacktape and all that)! ;)
ORCRiST said:
Yes, so many great entries this month... so many hard choices...

I WAS going to vote for Mully, but I just couldn't bring myself to vote for someone clearly anti-warmoth (not to mention his incomplete entry, blacktape and all that)! ;)

In complete????
Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!! Too many awesome guitars and some crazy cool basses!!! Came down to knuckleheadGs pbass (aka Murphy) and tubby twins gecko. Went with Murphy cuz I love that color.
mullyman said:
ORCRiST said:
mullyman said:
In complete????

Yeah, the missing volume control that's well... missing!

Just givin' you shitee brotha!  :icon_jokercolor:

Because it only has one volume, baby....full tilt!!!! :headbang1:

Why didn't you just have Warmoth omit the 1st hole when you ordered the pickguard, instead of taping over it?
bigguspickus said:
mullyman said:
ORCRiST said:
mullyman said:
In complete????

Yeah, the missing volume control that's well... missing!

Just givin' you shiteee brotha!  :icon_jokercolor:

Because it only has one volume, baby....full tilt!!!! :headbang1:

Why didn't you just have Warmoth omit the 1st hole when you ordered the pickguard, instead of taping over it?
Because he's Mully..... :icon_biggrin:
DangerousR6 said:
bigguspickus said:
mullyman said:
ORCRiST said:
mullyman said:
In complete????

Yeah, the missing volume control that's well... missing!

Just givin' you shiteeee brotha!  :icon_jokercolor:

Because it only has one volume, baby....full tilt!!!! :headbang1:

Why didn't you just have Warmoth omit the 1st hole when you ordered the pickguard, instead of taping over it?
Because he's Mully..... :icon_biggrin:

Best answer.

Truth is, I used to have a couple of Fenders and the volume knob got in the way so I removed one tone and moved it down one. Didn't like the hole so I taped over it. Got used to that look so when I ordered I went that way with it.
mullyman said:
the volume knob got in the way

My advice would be to stay outta twang territory then. Play up in the mellower neck pickup region.

Like the old joke: "Doctor, it hurts when I move my arm like this."  "Then don't move your arm like that."
bigguspickus said:
mullyman said:
the volume knob got in the way

My advice would be to stay outta twang territory then. Play up in the mellower neck pickup region.

Like the old joke: "Doctor, it hurts when I move my arm like this."  "So buy a Warmoth and they'll do it so it doesn't hurt."


Interstate Joe said:
Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!! Too many awesome guitars and some crazy cool basses!!! Came down to knuckleheadGs pbass (aka Murphy) and tubby twins gecko. Went with Murphy customer I love that color.

:icon_biggrin: Murph got a vote and it wasn't from me! I seriously thought I'd vote for myself until I saw Tubby was in the running.
bigguspickus said:
mullyman said:
the volume knob got in the way

My advice would be to stay outta twang territory then. Play up in the mellower neck pickup region.

Like the old joke: "Doctor, it hurts when I move my arm like this."  "Then don't move your arm like that."

I play mostly heavy rock so there is a lot of palm muting going on and I usually rest my hand on the bridge. Also, the volume knob being in the way isn't odd. I hear a lot of people say the same thing. Not to mention there really isn't any need for 2 tone knobs.
Dan025 said:
this month was crazy,  so many good ones i was gonna vote for mully then hannah then knucklehead (i like basic stuff just as much as flashy stuff and that's a great color on that thing) but in the end i had to go with dangerous because that is the exact build i was gonna do as a firt project before the vw was discontinued. i was already in the process of gathering info from my sales rep and then it happened  :sad: dougs guitar reminds me of what could have been mine
Thanks Dan, there's a few others that make them too... :icon_biggrin:
mullyman said:
I play mostly heavy rock so there is a lot of palm muting going on and I usually rest my hand on the bridge. Also, the volume knob being in the way isn't odd. I hear a lot of people say the same thing. Not to mention there really isn't any need for 2 tone knobs.

I hear that. I put my volume knob in the "tone #2" place and omits tone controls completely. But I do dig the signature of Mullys black tape solution.  :icon_thumright:
SustainerPlayer said:
mullyman said:
I play mostly heavy rock so there is a lot of palm muting going on and I usually rest my hand on the bridge. Also, the volume knob being in the way isn't odd. I hear a lot of people say the same thing. Not to mention there really isn't any need for 2 tone knobs.

I hear that. I put my volume knob in the "tone #2" place and omits tone controls completely. But I do dig the signature of Mullys black tape solution.  :icon_thumright:

You know, when I had my first Strat and I removed the tone and moved the volume down I had planned on putting something over that hole. Some kind of plug or something. For the time being, since the hole was a total eyesore, I just covered with a piece of tape. One day moved on to the next and before you know I had gotten lazy on finding something to plug the hole and the tape just stayed there. I just kind of got used to looking at it. Especially being a Van Halen fan. Eddie's 5150 Kramer looks like it has black stripes on it, and there are, but 3 of those stripes are electrical tape. Yeah, I know, it's sick that I know that. hehe!!
no cathedral for you!

i love the volume position on strats, and absolutely despise the pup selector on teles. i always run into that.
on occasion i'll nick the pup selector on a strat in spirited playing, but i'm usually already playing in the bridge anyways.
AutoBat said:
no cathedral for you!

i love the volume position on strats, and absolutely despise the pup selector on teles. i always run into that.
on occasion i'll nick the pup selector on a strat in spirited playing, but i'm usually already playing in the bridge anyways.

Why no Cathedral? It's volume swells and hammer-ons. The volume knob could be on my forehead and it wouldn't affect that. hehe!!