
Introducing MayFly Effects pedals

@mayfly a quick question on the knob layout, I could not help noticing that the Attack knob is to the left rather than centred. Is there a reason for the layout rather than this knob being centred?
Yep, a couple.
The first one is that originally there were 5 knobs (two at the top, three below). After my informal team of beta testers had a go at them, we decided that the release control was essentially useless (although it worked well), and that the threshold control didn't buy you much as a guitarist. As the knobs were removed (actually just de-populated on the prototype boards), the remaining attack knob stayed where it was: on the left. We were seriously considering removing that as well, but some of my guys were adamant that it stay.

The second reason is that keeping the knob on the left allowed more opportunities for my artist to put better graphics on it. Yep this is marketing voodoo; putting the knob in the centre would have blocked out the sails of that great Canadian fishing schooner. I justified this to myself by thinking that no one is going to try an unknown brand of pedal unless it at least looks cool first. This decision was made in conjunction with the development of the next two pedals: Le Canard envelope filer, and Demon Girl fuzz, both of which use that extra space to great effect.
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Envelope Filter ... interesting. I don't know if anyone else is like me, but I like them with a sensitivity knob that when dimed, mashes the signal, but when relieved exposes playing dynamics. That said, I'm no expert on how they work and I've only used two, the q-tron, and the Boss AW-3. The AW-3 survived and is still on my board.
Envelope Filter ... interesting. I don't know if anyone else is like me, but I like them with a sensitivity knob that when dimed, mashes the signal, but when relieved exposes playing dynamics. That said, I'm no expert on how they work and I've only used two, the q-tron, and the Boss AW-3. The AW-3 survived and is still on my board.
I'll have to try that with my design just to see what happens!
How does the Flat Earth's "(unique, unlike ALL other compressors out there)" (feed forward design) Compare to the Suhr Woodshed Compressor (released three years ago, feed forward design)?Just curious😁
The Flat Earth is a different circuit from the Woodshed. I don't think they did a great job on the envelope follower, as it tends to breath as it releases. I suspect that they didn't use a full wave bridge. That and I think the attack control deserves a bit more than just a simple switch. As I mentioned before, the threshold didn't do much for guitar, so we left it off. So, - it's a different circuit, and it has artifacts that the Flat Earth does not have.

Let me know if you have more questions.
The Flat Earth is a different circuit from the Woodshed. I don't think they did a great job on the envelope follower, as it tends to breath as it releases. I suspect that they didn't use a full wave bridge. That and I think the attack control deserves a bit more than just a simple switch. As I mentioned before, the threshold didn't do much for guitar, so we left it off. So, - it's a different circuit, and it has artifacts that the Flat Earth does not have.

Let me know if you have more questions.
Thank you !
Hmmm. I'm working on a pedal that I was going to call 'good trips', but maybe it should be the Groovy Baby