
Introducing MayFly Effects pedals

Have you considered a boost/parametric eq pedal?
Not yet. Tell me more about your idea. Is it simply a parametric (i.e. a tuneable bandpass), or would it also have shelving type filters for bass treble? When would this be used rather than active shelving type EQ? What frequencies did you have in mind?

Note I currently have the Bytown Boost, which uses an active tilt control (CCW boosts bass decreases treble - CW cuts bass, boosts treble) which was tuned with a lot of input from a lot of really great players. It's simple and cuts exactly to the chase EQ wise for what you want when boosting your solos, which I really like. And it's unique. Well, as far as I know.
Well I don't have the precise answers as to what frequencies etc (I am just a simple potato after all) but I was thinking of maybe three bands low/ mid/ high cut/boost combined with an adjustable say 15db out put boost. For solos or to reshape the sound in fun ways just for kicks.
Sounds something like an Empress ParaEQ. Pretty down in the weeds effect.
Ya it might not be a big seller, but still a powerful tone shaper. Not all my ideas are great ones. (and probably none of them are)
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Spud, if you want a pedal that will shape your sound try a moog ring modulator ... you can spend hours diddling with it, accomplish nothing all day, be intrigued and it is totally useless .... yet addicting. The only way to get away from them is to give them up cold turkey.
I may try one! uh, wait a second! They are 800 dollars! ouch
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Hmm.... Maybe I need to add a crazy assed noise maker to my lineup...

I have a crazy idea, but may not suitable to guitarist (and maybe I would be the only the only customer for this). A pedal with a crossover, followed by a fuzz for the lows and overdrive (Tube Screamer amybe) for the highs, both with a clean blend and tone control). So you can have creamy lows and get clarity (and mids ) on the top end and bring back clean signal as you need.
Quietly waiting to spring when the Mayfly reverb pedal is released. I have ideas for names!

The Cavern
The Tail Goes On Forever And The Party Never Ends