The 10.3% who aren't working in Michigan might argue with you, as would the 11.8% in California. Country-wide, it's at 9.2%. Keep in mind that many of those Warmoth necks and bodies are going out of the country where they can take advantage of the weak dollar, which is going to deteriorate further as the treasury prints fiat dollars by the trainload.
Something that many don't appreciate about economics is the hysteresis between administrative controls and and systemic responses. Mandating a behavioral change very rarely has an immediate effect; it can take years to show up. So, something like printing a trillion dollars or providing a massive new entitlement just for fun or to make headlines doesn't have an effect on anybody until some time later. Then, usually those responsible for the profoundly stupid move are long gone, and those in place have to eat the blame.
Of course, the opposite can occur as well. Good moves also don't often show up until later. It's instructive to study history, so you can backtrack and see where the good/bad moves were made and avoid making the same mistakes again.