I don't know If I'll be a Warmoth customer anymore.. *sadface*

I agree, emo sucks!! Maybe they would'nt be so emotional if they did'nt dress like idiots and sound like total shit!! Pretty bad the last 10-20 years has raised a society of sensitive moma's boys ! :dontknow: But good on ya man for getting a paying gig, maybe it will open up some doors for real music later  :laughing7:
my whole take on it is based on how absolutely spoonfed and prepackaged this type of music has become in this fashion-of-the-week society.  It's fake.  People do indeed believe in it, for sure, but it is fake none-the-less.  I've never seen so much conformity marketed to youth as rebellion.  Pop music, emo or whatever, has become the syringe injection of consumer consumption for America's youth, and sadly enough they are buying it up.    I find no more honor in taking a paycheck for playing in a fashion pop band than for taking pay from a snake oil salesman...  at the end of the day, whether you believe the lie or not, you are still selling a lie.     
But that's just, like, my opinion, man. 
I wouldn't be too quick to condemn the musicians - there are a whole hell of a lot of great players who feel forced to conform to a category, pre-picked for them by the people who are offering them gigs, contracts, TV appearences and recording time... most of these "producers" are squarely in the boomer age group, and they have decided to mandate what their own children should be hearing. When I was growing up as a guitarist, your career could be materially affected by your willingness to put on eye makeup, spandex, big hair... later the yuppie producer gods decided you should wear flannel - or a slouch hat, snake boots and a trucker's wallet to demonstrate your blues "authenticity."

The stratification of today's business is unreal, you have to be "the new _ _ _ _ _" to get any attention from.... us. There are all kinds of younger musicians with integrity, who refuse to take orders from the old farts ruling the airwaves and promotional contracts -
"Would you like fries with that, sir?" :tard:
I'm not a huge fan of the genre, and I don't think music has progressed in about 15-20 years, but I'm glad for him.

My younger brother likes Slipknot, Limp Bizkit and all, and I can't stand it.
The music we like is relative to us.  The stuff we like is the best and everybody else's is crap.  Think of any clichen and it's true.

At a party once, there was a 100 disc CD player set on "random play."  Everything was in it from Bob Dylan, to Johnny Cash, to Metallica, to The Beatles, to Nirvana, to Sound Garden, to White Zombie, to The Doors.  In other words, everything from ABBA to ZZ Top.  A friend's mom stopped by and commented that the song playing (Rage Against the Machine - I think) sounded like "Drug Music."  She wanted to know if we would play more Pink Floyd or The Doors.  I thought, "Huh?  Drug Music?  Let me see if there's some Led Zeppelin, Steely Dan, or Skynyrd.  Those guys never did drugs."

My Grandparents hated my parents' music.  My parents hated mine.  I will hate my kids' music.  See a pattern?  James L's music is the "what's hot."  or course nobody likes it.

Besides that, the ESP/LTD deal seems a little fishy.  He's probably not getting paid, just free gear.  In exchange, the album jacket and promotions will have an ESP/LTD endorsement somewhere.  EMG's endorsement deal is the same way.  This makes me think less of ESP/LTD.  When a player can't play what he likes, or even the best piece of gear because of a contract, that sucks.  Now every artist I see playing an ESP/LTD, I'm going to think they are pawns as well.

But, and I don't think Warmoth or ESP/LTD could condone this, get a body shape you want with ESP/LTD type heastock from Warmoth, and slap an ESP/LTD logo on it.  ESP/LTD just wants their name out there.  If the band is popular and the instrument is seen, it can only be good for them.

Except, I love my parents music. I've taken it all. Well, all that I've found. There's probably another CD somewhere.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
get a body shape you want with ESP/LTD type heastock from Warmoth, and slap an ESP/LTD logo on it.  ESP/LTD just wants their name out there.  If the band is popular and the instrument is seen, it can only be good for them.

Awesome idea.

@vanhagar -- I got no problem with people being emotional or sensitive. More than once (or twenty times) I've been called the sensitive guy. That is not in any way the same thing as  :tard: emo music
He hasn't hit the big time yet.  Let us not forget that ESP/LTD means he's getting LTD guitars...Japan imports that are stocked by Guitar Center.  You can't find a real ESP hanging on a GC wall here in San Diego, at least.  True, a free guitar is a free guitar, as long as it is one you'd want to play.  I've never played an LTD series guitar.
The guys an idiot, i don't know what kind of crap he's playen I don't care, but if he hasn't the balls to say what band he's in because he's forbidden? Bull crap

I don't care if he's a Warmoth customer anymore either, I hope he's not, get him out of the gene pool now.

I can't believe this thread went 4 pages
I'm late to this thread.  But, if new to the band, and his status wasn't official, especially if the guy he's replacing doesn't know yet, I could buy his reasoning for being tight with details and also understand why some think he is full of shite.  The best thing would have been for him to say nothing.
Did you guys see the pic of "shredder", the guitarist on the myspace page?  Oh my god!  I have been laughing inside since I saw it.  or...  "She put the HO in Homewrecker" shirts... hahahahaha.  my sides!
Hey Nathon, I don't have a problem with "sensitive" people, it's the Fuckin punks that just wait for you to hurt their feelings to give them something to be all emotional about!! I work with a bunch of twenty something guys and they can't be supervised properly, because it hurts their feelings if someone raises their voice, or god forbid tell them how to do their job correctly!  My daughter has friends that call themselves EMO and they cut themselves ! I probably would too if I had to listen to that fuckin garbage music !! Hell the band called garbage is ten times better than that shit!!!.....Sorry I ranted a bit.

Every succeeding generation craves music that will piss off their parents to the max - looks like these kids are doing great! :laughing8:
Good point stubhead, My beaf isn't so much with the music as the attitudes of kids the last decade or two, I blame rap music! I guess I got a little off topic with this off topic  :laughing7: Max, I'm glad to hear you like your parents music :) My kids like Dokken, VanHalen,Metallica, Dio, DefLeppard, just to name a few of my personal favorites. I can't seem to get them into Rush though  :icon_scratch: Oh well can't win em all.
Aw come on Alfang, give him a break. He's a kid, and this is his 'break', a chance to live his dream. He can do whatever he wants. I might hate his music, but he's playing more gigs in front of more people than I ever will in my life.

And nonsense, you just wait, if I get a tattoo in a "restricted" area, you'll be the first to see it!
nathan a said:
And nonsense, you just wait, if I get a tattoo in a "restricted" area, you'll be the first to see it!

:laughing3: No need for it, but thank you for the propose  :laughing7:
Alfang said:
The guys an idiot, i don't know what kind of crap he's playen I don't care, but if he hasn't the balls to say what band he's in because he's forbidden? Bull crap

I don't care if he's a Warmoth customer anymore either, I hope he's not, get him out of the gene pool now.

I can't believe this thread went 4 pages

wow you're a grouchy f*cker :tard:

Sounds like jealousy to me. :laughing3: