720 Mod

rorycosgrove said:
I understand how it causes no threat of breaking, but can anyone direct me to a picture of a 24 fret overhang without the 720 and no pickguard? I've never seen one before (or at least not from the appropriate angle) and I'm curious as to how it looks


To be clear, I don't think you'll see a 720 mod and a pickguard.  The overhang would hit the pickguard.
Sorry for the confusion of the request.  The wording made it sound like he'd seen them with the mod and pickguard, which doesn't work.

Here's the pick from the website.  It doesn't show 24 frets, but the gap is still the same with 22 frets.

sixstringsamurai said:
You could always mod a PG to fit AROUND the tail of the fingerboard if you want a PG that badly.
just sayin'...
No I don't want a pickgaurd at all. All I was saying is that I wanted to see what the gap from the 24 fret overhang looks like - I've seen the websites pic of the 22, and I know it's a fairly small gap, but I've just never actually looked at one with 24. NBD, just something that I wanted to physically see to really grasp it. There've gotta be pics out there, no?
