720 Mod

Just realized, because this mod makes the neck pocket deeper it means that the distance between the fretboard and the back of the heel is smaller, therefore increasing playability on the high frets by a bit.
rockskate4x said:
Just realized, because this mod makes the neck pocket deeper it means that the distance between the fretboard and the back of the heel is smaller, therefore increasing playability on the high frets by a bit.

We are talking a very small amount, 0.0095".
I doubt that such a small difference would help you reach the higher frets.

I think that the mod is probably more important when it comes to the 24 fret extension on the neck :icon_scratch:
rockskate4x said:
that's a bigger amount than the 1 5/8 and 1 11/16 inch difference that is so important on nuts.

Alright, lets see how well i did my math.

The difference between 1 5/8" and 1 11/16" is 1/16".
1/16" in decimal form is 0.0625"

The difference between 0.0720" and 0.0625" is 0.0095"

You can feel 0.0625" in a nut. The difference is *roughly*  6.5 times greater from 0.0625" to 0.0095"

line6man said:
rockskate4x said:
that's a bigger amount than the 1 5/8 and 1 11/16 inch difference that is so important on nuts.

Alright, lets see how well i did my math.

The difference between 1 5/8" and 1 11/16" is 1/16".
1/16" in decimal form is 0.0625"

The difference between 0.0720" and 0.0625" is 0.0095"

You can feel 0.0625" in a nut. The difference is *roughly*  6.5 times greater from 0.0625" to 0.0095"

Looks like Warmoth made a mistake on the site with this one...
Should be 0.720 and 0.625....difference of 0.095.
Funky Phil said:
line6man said:
rockskate4x said:
that's a bigger amount than the 1 5/8 and 1 11/16 inch difference that is so important on nuts.

Alright, lets see how well i did my math.

The difference between 1 5/8" and 1 11/16" is 1/16".
1/16" in decimal form is 0.0625"

The difference between 0.0720" and 0.0625" is 0.0095"

You can feel 0.0625" in a nut. The difference is *roughly*  6.5 times greater from 0.0625" to 0.0095"

Looks like Warmoth made a mistake on the site with this one...
Should be 0.720 and 0.625....difference of 0.095.

That makes alot more sense, because the proportions did seem off.

So at 0.095", we are talking 2.413mm of difference.
and I just realised that this mod would make my guitar utterly useless. I need a neckpocket with a bigger angle than usual for my kahler trem, and if its too low, I wont be able to setup the kahler as recommended (saddles as high as possible).
Mod only done on scratch built means that it's part of their CNC program and can only be done at the time of the body carving/cutting/routing. They select normal or 720 mod when setting up the CNC fot that guitar. They can't (or won't) put the body back into the CNC after it's been cut on to remove the additional amount of wood. And they won't do it by hand because of the precision needed to do it.

It's really just a preference thing. I don't care for a guitar that has the strings so close to the body, I prefer them a little higher off the body like LP's. Has a lot to do with my picking hand and the way I like to rest in on the edge of the bridge. Don't like it too tall or too short.
The strings are NOT really close to the body. It is a very tiny amount (we're talking just under 1/10th of an inch here), and only makes a little less of a gap between the fretboard overhang and the body. There is still a gap, and I can almost fit a pickguard under there. It just plain looks better not having that overhang so high off the body when not using a pickguard...
Hey guys,

I was gonna get a 720 mod, it sounded sensible to lower the neck pocket but now I'm a little confused.  :laughing7:

I'm getting a jazzmaster body with 24 frets, rear routed and a pickgaurd so is the 720 mod safe for this set up?


95 thou is stupidly close to the 90 thou I measured on that blue sparkle tele....  I'm still wondering how the body got to be thinner by that amount.  Its like slab was laid down and machined, on a blank that was too thin to start with.  But, if they machine the top radius at the same time, that wouldn't do.  Either way, the pocket seemed "too shallow" by .090, or maybe .095, its hard to tell with wood and finish.

Lima said:
Hey guys,

I was gonna get a 720 mod, it sounded sensible to lower the neck pocket but now I'm a little confused.  :laughing7:

I'm getting a jazzmaster body with 24 frets, rear routed and a pickgaurd so is the 720 mod safe for this set up?


No.  The 720 mod is for bodies *not* using a pickguard.  720 with a pickguard would be incompatible.
Here, I made this flowchart.

I accidentally made the second "No" black on accident.. I hope you can follow arrows.
I also have a .720 modified soloist body with a 24 fret Wizard neck on my Warmoth-Phoenix guitar. I like having the strings sit closer to the body. And that combined with a contoured heel feels better for me at the higher frets. The only drawback is that unless you get a recessed tremolo route, you won't be able to pull up that high on the tremolo arm...
My 2 cents....I was offered the 720 mod--I have a strat with lamtop no pickguard. I refused it on advice from my luthier . When I first fitted the neck on my guitar the gap for the pickguard was very noticeable and I regretted not getting the mod. But after I put the guitar togethe  incl pickup rings and strung it up there is no difference in looks or feel (to me). I'm sure it works good for some and I'm glad of that  but if you're worried about looks or neck height after completion don't. I did'nt want to risk not being able to get  low enough action. It doesnt effect the bridge height obviously after all.
I didn't get the 720 mod on Burn Unit, I like the strings off the body. Gives it more of a Les Paul feel vs. a Strat feel. That reason alone is probably why I don't play Strats too often unless I have to.