720 Mod

Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
TJD said:
It doesnt effect the bridge height obviously after all.

Sure it does.  If the neck is lower in the pocket, the saddles need to be lower or the difference between the 2 is in the action.
Unless the pocket is angled accordingly for a non-recessed bridge.  :icon_thumright:
"Bodies that already require an angled neck pocket because of being a carved top or because of a particular bridge choice are NOT eligible for this additional modification."

As I read it, a non-recessed bridge would be an angled neck pocket "because of a particular bridge choice."

But it doesn't matter anyway.  If a 720 mod were on an angled neck pocket, the neck is still lowered in the neck pocket and therefore action needs to be lowered.  What you do to one, you do to both.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
"Bodies that already require an angled neck pocket because of being a carved top or because of a particular bridge choice are NOT eligible for this additional modification."

As I read it, a non-recessed bridge would be an angled neck pocket "because of a particular bridge choice."

But it doesn't matter anyway.  If a 720 mod were on an angled neck pocket, the neck is still lowered in the neck pocket and therefore action needs to be lowered.  What you do to one, you do to both.
When I first got my G4 2 years ago, I was a bit pissed off about the gap. But I play with thick strings and a big 2mm pick so I need a high string height so the strings don't clatter against the frets. The setup on my bass is great. but I think I'll get the 720 Mod for estethic reasons if I get another G4.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
TJD said:
It doesnt effect the bridge height obviously after all.

Sure it does.  If the neck is lower in the pocket, the saddles need to be lower or the difference between the 2 is in the action.
Sorry..let me clarify...what I meant was that the bridge is still mounted to the body directly so the only string height diff would be the height adjustment of the saddles to fit the neck height. Any body run into a problem where saddles could'nt be lowered enough for low action/  That was my concern originally.
Hi, im new to the forum and was just wondering if the 720 mod would work on a flat top strat with a tune-o-matic/stopbar? on there website for bridge route it sais "TOM/STP, Angled pocket" does that mean the 720 mod wouldnt work with this setup?


If it is an angled neck pocket, no.  If this Strat is top routed (for use with a pickguard), no.  Also, I'm not aware of a Warmoth Carved top Strat.

The 720 mod would work with a rear-routed Strat (no pickguard) and recessed T-O-M bridge.
Thanks  :icon_smile: im not sure they offer a strat with a carved top was just trying to be specific
So does this mean if I order a 24 fret bass neck, the extension will be flat on the body?
And also, would this be compatible with a hipshot 'A' bridge?
I don't want to run out of adjustment room on the low side....
So a 24 fret neck on a rear-routed body does NOT require the 720 mod? With so much fret overhang, it looks as though the board would snap under pressure with that gap beneath it

Holy necropost, Batman!


There ain't no freakin' way you can snap the overhanging fretboard on a 24-fret neck through finger pressure.  You don't have the hand strength nor the leverage.  You're fighting a quarter-inch thick slab of  hardwood and a 17" glue joint that's probably going to be stronger than the wood.  The whole point of using the woods that are used in fingerboards and necks is that they are rigid.  If you wanted to break that overhang, you'd need to take after it with a hammer and some serious dedication to the outcome.

And you don't need the 720 mod for a rear-routed , but you can order it if you want.  Some folks like the gap between the fretboard overhang and the body surface to be as small as possible, and the 720 mod affords you that.

Ok, thanks. I was only curious because I've played and own many 24 fret guitars and never saw a gap like that before. But that's a relief because I'm planning on building a 24 fret rear-route with a non-recessed Floyd (angled pocket) and obviously the 720 is not compatible with that

rorycosgrove said:
Ok, thanks. I was only curious because I've played and own many 24 fret guitars and never saw a gap like that before. But that's a relief because I'm planning on building a 24 fret rear-route with a non-recessed Floyd (angled pocket) and obviously the 720 is not compatible with that


Would it be compatible with a recessed Schaller Floyd?
Mapleg4 said:
rorycosgrove said:
Ok, thanks. I was only curious because I've played and own many 24 fret guitars and never saw a gap like that before. But that's a relief because I'm planning on building a 24 fret rear-route with a non-recessed Floyd (angled pocket) and obviously the 720 is not compatible with that


Would it be compatible with a recessed Schaller Floyd?

Yes, because the neck pocket isn't angled on the recessed Floyd.
I understand how it causes no threat of breaking, but can anyone direct me to a picture of a 24 fret overhang without the 720 and no pickguard? I've never seen one before (or at least not from the appropriate angle) and I'm curious as to how it looks

I don't know how to form a functional query for that, but all you have to do is imagine a fretboard with little or no free space beneath it at the upper frets. Think Les Paul. That design uses a mortise and tenon neck attachment scheme that ends up burying about a quarter of the neck in the body, so you won't see any gap under the finger board.

The gap you see under the fretboard extension on necks trying to make the kids happy is just there to clear the pickguard. We're talking .100" or so. It's not some huge space where the spiders are setting up refrigerator boxes and raising families. It doesn't look wrong or anything. Although, if you feel like you need 24 frets, you're liable to get some sidelong glances here and there. At least, from those who recognize that you have that many. Pretty small population of those people, if you're worried about it.