
You may be a Warmoth addict if.....

"you pray that someone else buys that showcase piece before pay day that way you won't be forced to buy it"

Guilty. At least 3 times a month.

You wonder if there's any shipping cost benefit if you order six necks at once, and you will ask the sales person what's the record for # of necks ordered at once and hope you're it. And if not, you have one or two 'future' plans to help attain the record.

You live in an apartment that's less than 400 sq. ft. and you have 7 Warmoths, 4 other guitars, and 7 bodies that 'need' W necks in it. The '2nd bedroom' is actually a guitar building/maintenance station.

Your boss wonders why a college professor gets a ton of packages from W delivered to the office but none from Amazon.com or other booksellers.
Nonsense Tele -

I put a post called Screaming Deal in the Just out of the Box section.

That strat is hollow padouk with a padouk/pau ferro neck, floating floyd rose and a Fernandes sustainer. Although I recently switched it to a Gotoh tremolo and have yet to put new strings on it. But it sings!
How 'bout:

You spend so much time reading all the posts your wife thinks you are looking at porn :laughing7:
I got this at sharkinlay.com (this is not original) go check them out

Definition: Gear Head (noun) from the Latin Gera Hedi meaning more money than brains.

1) someone who buys gear at an alarming rate.

2) A disease inflecting one out of five musicians. The affliction has no known cure.

Read the following. If you laugh at more the three of them because they remind you of yourself, you are a lost cause. Check yourself in at the nearest Sam Ash store and cut up your credit cards.

If you have even pawned your girl friend’s engagement ring to buy a microphone - you might be a gear head.

If you consider “Blow Out” sales at Guitar Center a national holiday - you might be a gear head or the President of Guitar Center.

If the words Gibson, Fender, or PRS appear anywhere in your wedding vows - you might be a gear head.

If you think an 80's B.C. Rich “graphics” guitar is a collector’s item - you might be a gear head.

If your basement floods and destroys more than 16 guitars - you might be a gear head.

If you have to install more electrical circuits in your home just to plug in your guitar pedals - you might be a gear head.

If your wife refuses to have sex with you until you clear your guitars off the bed . . . and you have to stop and think about it - you might be a gearhead.

If you have ever opened up a guitar case and said, “I didn’t know I owned this . . .” - you might be a gear head or the guitarist in my last band. (true story)

If you consider a tour of the PRS factory a holy pilgrimage - you might be a gear head.

If you know every model name and number or every Gibson ever made, but have trouble remembering your kids’ names - you might be a gear head.

If you have a Shark Inlay custom artwork design on the inside of your control cavity - you might be a gear head. By the way, those are available :-)

If you think a different pickup in the neck position of a Fender Stratocaster makes it a collector guitar worth $2,500 - you might be a gear head or the president of Fender.

If you have more than two effect pedals in your rig that you can’t remember what they do - you might be a gear head.

If the Doctor x-rays you stomach and finds more that four guitar picks - you might be a gear head.

If you skip you’re Father’s funeral so you can be there for the end of an eBay auction - you might be a gear head.

If at an open mic jam you guard your guitar while your girlfriend is necking with a member of a biker gang - you might be a gear head.

If your band needs two vans, one for your gear and one for everything else’s - you might be a gear head.

If you change guitars more than three times a set just because you can - you might be a gear head or the guitarist from my last band.

If your drummer’s roadie thinks he has got the easy job - you might be a gear head.

If you own more than five Stratocasters because each has that “unique sound” - you might be a gear head.

If you own two exactly the same guitars except for the color - you might be a gear head.

If you think you can hear the difference in your guitar between a Roseword truss rod cover and an Ebony one - you might be a gear head.

If the date of the NAMM show has religious significance for you - you might be a gear head.

If you have ever kicked out the singer of your band to make room on stage for another amp - you might be a gear head. Kicking your singer out for being a pain in the ass is normal behavior however.

If you change your strings more than you change your socks - you might be a gear head.

If your buddy invites you to a bar where they have lots of G-strings and all you think about is music - you might be a gear head.

If you have been a subscriber to Guitar Magazine for five years and are just now realizing that there are articles next to those pictures - you might be a gear head.

If you are invited to the Fender stock holders board meeting, but you don’t own any Fender stock - you might be a gear head.

If you have ever moved because you need more room for your amps - you might be a gear head.

If after watching a MTV Video you can identify every piece of gear on the stage, but can’t remember the name of the song - you might be a gear head.

If you think a 60's Gibson Les Paul makes an elegant living room decoration - you might be a gear head.

If you are using more than two amps as end tables in your family room - you might be a gear head. This one is me.

If you have ever used the phrase "Wammy Bar" while in bed with you girlfriend/wife - you might be gear head. Or in the bathroom by yourself for that matter.

If you're woman asks your thoughts on her new "G" string, and you tell her it'll be fine once it stretches a bit - You might be a gear head.
If you have one of these....
Marko said:
I forgot this one:

- If it takes you a couple of minutes to realize how disturbing the following sounds in front of coworkers:

"sure, come over to my house on sunday and we'll rub some oil on that body of yours"

and earlier this week:

"I'm really excited about your body, I can't wait to see it"

my reputation at work has gone down the drain... even more

Haha, that's my body he's talkin about.
Luke said:
Marko said:
I forgot this one:

- If it takes you a couple of minutes to realize how disturbing the following sounds in front of coworkers:

"sure, come over to my house on sunday and we'll rub some oil on that body of yours"

and earlier this week:

"I'm really excited about your body, I can't wait to see it"

my reputation at work has gone down the drain... even more

Haha, that's my body he's talkin about.
That's pretty disturbing..... :icon_scratch:
"If you're woman asks your thoughts on her new "G" string, and you tell her it'll be fine once it stretches a bit - You might be a gear head."

:toothy12:  :occasion14:
If after watching a MTV Video you can identify every piece of gear on the stage, but can’t remember the name of the song - you might be a gear head.
HAH that's me.
If you are using more than two amps as end tables in your family room - you might be a gear head. This one is me.
I am using two old computers as end tables.  What does that make me?  :(
dbw said:
If after watching a MTV Video you can identify every piece of gear on the stage, but can’t remember the name of the song - you might be a gear head.
HAH that's me.
If you are using more than two amps as end tables in your family room - you might be a gear head. This one is me.
I am using two old computers as end tables.  What does that make me?  :(
Lazy, cheap, or a Redneck... :icon_biggrin:
dbw said:
If after watching a MTV Video you can identify every piece of gear on the stage, but can’t remember the name of the song - you might be a gear head.
HAH that's me.
If you are using more than two amps as end tables in your family room - you might be a gear head. This one is me.
I am using two old computers as end tables.  What does that make me?  :(

A nerd head? Haha
How do you unsubscribe from "Show new replies to your posts"? :icon_scratch: Boy, if I'd known back then what I know now (grumble grumble grumble....)
if you cleaned up your man cave and found a body you bought a couple of months ago that you totally forgot about..

oh and when this is logic to you:
- you find 2 unused humbuckers and a set of black planet wave tuners and decide that is the perfect reason to start a new project.
so you buy a nice poplar soloist for 150 off the showcase. later you order a rosewood neck but by the time it arrives, you have started staining the body and decide that the rosewood neck isn't a good match color wise. so you order another (padouk) neck. a short time later, you realize that you now have a rosewood neck with no body, so you order another body for it. by now, you have screwed up the original poplar body! the only right thing to do, is buy another body for that project..

so there you go.. it started with 2 pickups and a set of tuners and I ended up with 3 bodies and  2 necks.. and none of them completed  :tard: :(

LOL, guilty....

How about:
You rationalize the purchase of a Warmoth body as an investment strategy (commodity play).
As an extension of this, you really focus on the probability of hyperinflation as further rationalization.

Mark O said:
if you cleaned up your man cave and found a body you bought a couple of months ago that you totally forgot about..

oh and when this is logic to you:
- you find 2 unused humbuckers and a set of black planet wave tuners and decide that is the perfect reason to start a new project.
so you buy a nice poplar soloist for 150 off the showcase. later you order a rosewood neck but by the time it arrives, you have started staining the body and decide that the rosewood neck isn't a good match color wise. so you order another (padouk) neck. a short time later, you realize that you now have a rosewood neck with no body, so you order another body for it. by now, you have screwed up the original poplar body! the only right thing to do, is buy another body for that project..

so there you go.. it started with 2 pickups and a set of tuners and I ended up with 3 bodies and  2 necks.. and none of them completed  :tard: :(
