
Wolfgang vs Clapton V vs SRV neck contour


Hero Member
I typically use the Clapton V contour as it feels nice, but after looking at the other two mentioned, I am wondering how they compare.  Does anyone have any experience with the combinations listed?
I know that the clapton contour seems better for smaller hands, especially if you use your thumb along the bottom of the neck like you're "supposed to." But if you're like me and have huge hands and like the monkey grip/ Hendrix style where you do bar chords with your thumb you'll want an SRV contour like I use. If you have smaller hands, but still like to do bar chords with your thumb then you'll want the wolfgang.

With the way I play any V style neck like on the clapton strats or jimmie vaughan strats hurt my hand after just a couple minutes. My dad's wolfgang neck is much more comfortable to me, but feels tiny. The SRV is just right. For my dad its the opposite. He likes the V styles, thinks the wolfgang is comfortable, but can't play my guitar for more than a couple minutes. He also has small hands.
I've owned all three (wolfgang just briefly) - I don't think there is any rule, it's just how your own hand works. I like SRV a lot, but I think any future necks will be '59, it is just a bit more natural in my hand. But if you like the feel of a modern strat or metal guitar, SRV or 59 will be too large for you. Wolfgang is only a little bit thicker than a standard US strat neck.
I own a SRV and a Wolfgang, and have finished a few of the Calpton Vs.

The Clapton V feels the thinnest in your hands.
The SRV has a LOT of meat on the bass shoulder.
The Wolfgang is sort of like a thinner SRV, but still has plenty on the bass shoulder.
The clapton really has a V to it. Try one out, because most folks either love it or really hate it. The SRV is thicker, and more subtle. I am a thumb over the neck kinda guy, but I also do bar chords, and I am liking the SRV the most right now. The clapton has such a V that bar chords feel uncomfortable. Have not played a Wolf.
B3Guy said:
The clapton really has a V to it. Try one out, because most folks either love it or really hate it. The SRV is thicker, and more subtle. I am a thumb over the neck kinda guy, but I also do bar chords, and I am liking the SRV the most right now. The clapton has such a V that bar chords feel uncomfortable. Have not played a Wolf.

That is a little what I am feeling.  I've been working on more chords when jamming with friends and less on soloing and I am finding my hands beginning to hurt a little when playing for extended periods.  I like the V when soloing 'cause I can plant my thumb around the V and get a consistent hold for bending.  I may need to get two cheaper unfinished maple necks with both the Wolfgang and SRV contours just to try them out.  I do have one with the standard thin neck but it just seems really small.
The Clapton V feels the thinnest in your hands.
The SRV has a LOT of meat on the bass shoulder.
The Wolfgang is sort of like a thinner SRV, but still has plenty on the bass shoulder.

Exactly what he said.  :icon_thumright:
When I bought my Warmoth neck (pauferro, std,1-5/8, 10-16") I thought it was like my fender american series (2001) neck. however it was more thin.
Now, a neck that I use as reference is a Suhr classic neck:  0.810 "(1st) - 0. 930" (12th), C contour.
Similar is wolfgang but it's no C contour of course.
I fear that the asymmetric contour may not like me (I've not possibility to try it).
Perhaps with a nut 1-11/16" (and std contour) change my perception of *thin neck*?
My hands are not small but not like a monkey :P
