
Any Thoughts on the Regal?


I’m slowly doing some initial thinking about a next build (my Warmoth Tele has been a great guitar and gets compliments every time I use it at a jam, so I’m hooked!). Might do a Strat-shaped object, but I already have two really good Strat-types (one a AmDlx Fender, the other a Suhr Standard Plus); Jaguar and Jazzmaster bodies don’t do a lot for me, and the same for the more “shredder” style bodies, the semi-hollows, V, Explorer, etc.,; so I started thinking about the Regal as a different sort of thing to consider.

Hence this post. How does a Regal with the bolt-on neck compare to a set neck Gibson or Heritage or Eastman, etc.? 25.5” scale length, or use a conversion neck to get the 24.75” scale? Go full-on LP with a bound neck? What else to consider?

I did some searching in this forum and didn’t really see these questions in this context, hence the new thread. Any and all thoughts appreciated!
I haven't had a Regal, but I built my own singlecut body and used a conversion neck and I think it's pretty comparable in feel and tone to a Gibson etc. I also have one with a regular 25.5" neck and it's similar but more of it's own thing. If you want the Gibson kind of feel I'd definitely go with the conversion neck.
I love my "bolt-on" Warmoths. However, the set necks I've owned do have a different feel to them. I've had a few "real" (American made) Les Pauls and SGs and an early '90s PRS Custom 22. Also, my ESP E-II Eclipse doesn't feel like my Warmoths (or the Fenders I've owned - mid '90s American Standard Tele and Strat). If you are looking for the set neck "one piece" kind of experience, I don't think you will get it with a Warmoth. You might love it, though! Hell, I don't know ... 🫥

I do know that if you are going for that Gibson "feel" you want the shorter scale neck.

My first and only Gibson scale conversion neck (1-3/4" nut / standard thin) is probably my favorite guitar to play right now. I started on Gibsons (and a Gibson J-45 is my all-time favorite guitar) so it feels more natural to me.

I've been an LP player since age 14 in 1984. My 1st ever electric was a 1975 Nolin era LPD routed for humbuckers. My # 1 has been and still is, a 1992 LPC I bought new in '92. I've also built 3 W's, among them a Velocity body with a 24.75" neck and humbuckers.

IMHO, a set neck, like an LP, is it's own thing and doesn't quite translate into a bolt on. Not to say the bolt on is in any way inferior, it's just different.

Regarding the Regal, I'd say go for it. I have zero doubt it will be a kick butt guitar, but it's not going to be an exact duplicate of an LP.
When you mention a word like G*bson, it seems to me there isn't much in common, TBH.

They really are very different.

Even when every spec is as close to a Gibson as it can be, most other brands of guitars feel different, Warmoth included. Gibsons just have something unique about them that is apparently very hard to duplicate.

But notice I never said "better". Only "different".
Thanks all! The Regal is certainly an interesting possibility, and the replies to this thread were very helpful.

But…after thinking about it some more, I think a super-Strat is more my speed and I’ll stick with my Epi Les Paul 1960 Tribute+ to scratch the LP itch. I’m currently leaning towards a carved top Soloist for the next build, hopefully this spring.