There are certain qualities which are somewhat self-selecting on forums. There are millions (billions?) of little kids with computer access, more opinions than experience, and plenty of time on their hands - they end up on a lot of forums. However, they have never built a guitar, which presupposes a
certain amount of knowledge and dedication, if not automatically guaranteeing a stratospheric I.Q. My favorite music forum for info is the Steel Guitar Forum - it's mostly older people, with a very high percentage of professional musicians, producers, music engineers and tinkerers. A very high percentage of steel guitarists play for fun, while making their money in some other way - Dean Parks, Daniel Lanois, on and on. It's difficult to play, and expensive tp start - that alone filters out a lot. I go there to ask about amps, computers, anything music-related, because you get answers backed from experience. There are a few old redneck types, but a surprising number of steelers play classical, jazz, rock... here is a friend of mine, kicking the stuffing out of tunes few six-stringers dare:
OK, you play "Giant Steps" or "The Night has a Thousand Eyes" that well - even your Warmoth can't help, you'd have to practice.