
Why We're Better Than TGP... what?

Cagey said:
Finally, there's a substantial population of members who are known or referred to as "cork sniffers". That is, people who believe their opinions are sacrosanct on a variety of topics having to do with whatever aspect of music they're involved with. To defy them is to risk being outcast and ridiculed.

While that is true, it is also true that every board out there (including this one)  has its share of "corque-sniffers" whose opinions are parroted
by the sheeple of the board.  In other words, every board has its status quo and lexicon of "correct" opinions.

Said "corque" doesn't necessarily have to be expensive gear nor vintage gear, either.  It could be "Floyd Rose trems" or "Seymour Duncan pickups" or what have you.

It's all do to with human nature.
I dunno, I hated Trems and felt Apathy for SD before I joined. that hasn't changed.

disliking Ed Roman and Gibson has. but the Gibson thing would have happened anyways...

Once I actually held one.
There are certain qualities which are somewhat self-selecting on forums. There are millions (billions?) of little kids with computer access, more opinions than experience, and plenty of time on their hands - they end up on a lot of forums. However, they have never built a guitar, which presupposes a certain amount of knowledge and dedication, if not automatically guaranteeing a stratospheric I.Q. My favorite music forum for info is the Steel Guitar Forum - it's mostly older people, with a very high percentage of professional musicians, producers, music engineers and tinkerers. A very high percentage of steel guitarists play for fun, while making their money in some other way - Dean Parks, Daniel Lanois, on and on. It's difficult to play, and expensive tp start - that alone filters out a lot. I go there to ask about amps, computers, anything music-related, because you get answers backed from experience. There are a few old redneck types, but a surprising number of steelers play classical, jazz, rock... here is a friend of mine, kicking the stuffing out of tunes few six-stringers dare:


OK, you play "Giant Steps" or "The Night has a Thousand Eyes" that well - even your Warmoth can't help, you'd have to practice. :o
