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what up, my turtles? did everyone have a good eclipse? i'm a bit of a known Totality Chaser 'round these parts, so this was a big deal for me and my kind. now, the Louie was gonna get very good coverage, but i crave Maximum Totality (could be a great song name btw, just sayin').
me and todd drove on down (or rather todd and i, if u want to be proper with the grammaraticals, since you wouldn't say "so, me drove on down..." unless youre dumb in the head but lol, i digress) to Carbondale and camped out at Attucks Park the night before, which is normally illegal but during eclipse times most illegal things are actually allowed in the midwest (just be cool and don't, like, murder or do a larceny), we got up early the morning of, slam a few McGriddles, smoke a bowl of trees and get all set up for the Main Event.
we bathed in the encroaching celestial darkness (and also in a lake), but once Totality hit, we slammed the gas predal and blasted down 13 East, past carterville and then up the 57 at Marion. see, unfortunately the midwest doesn't have a lot of great diagonal roads that go from SW to NE, so we had sort of zag and zig, hopping off at Benton to get on 14 etc.. we chased that darkness all the way to Vincennes spending a good 3-4 hours or so under the Wincing Eye of Complete Totality. we could go really fast on the roads too (i'm talking like, 15 over the speed limit!!!) because again, it was legal due to the midwest eclipse crime abatement and also because there just werent that many people out driving (probably because of the eclipse).
anyway, if you don't know about Vicennes, there's a lot of amish there (or mennonite--don't ask me the difference unless you have an hour or two to kill), who are a lot more chill than most people realize, and yes, they do likes to party. if you never shared some moonshine on a amish horse buggy under the dying day-nighttime of a total exclipse through the cornfields of rural Indiana because your car broke down because it ran out of gas due to lack of foresight.. are you even alive? i'm talking about smokin' straight amish cornflakes, farm to nug, while Atlee and Jeb shred the banjo and washtub with scales and microtones as yet unaccepted in the our contemporary music world's limited vocabulary. thatts what i call chicken soup for the middle class soul.
me and todd drove on down (or rather todd and i, if u want to be proper with the grammaraticals, since you wouldn't say "so, me drove on down..." unless youre dumb in the head but lol, i digress) to Carbondale and camped out at Attucks Park the night before, which is normally illegal but during eclipse times most illegal things are actually allowed in the midwest (just be cool and don't, like, murder or do a larceny), we got up early the morning of, slam a few McGriddles, smoke a bowl of trees and get all set up for the Main Event.
we bathed in the encroaching celestial darkness (and also in a lake), but once Totality hit, we slammed the gas predal and blasted down 13 East, past carterville and then up the 57 at Marion. see, unfortunately the midwest doesn't have a lot of great diagonal roads that go from SW to NE, so we had sort of zag and zig, hopping off at Benton to get on 14 etc.. we chased that darkness all the way to Vincennes spending a good 3-4 hours or so under the Wincing Eye of Complete Totality. we could go really fast on the roads too (i'm talking like, 15 over the speed limit!!!) because again, it was legal due to the midwest eclipse crime abatement and also because there just werent that many people out driving (probably because of the eclipse).
anyway, if you don't know about Vicennes, there's a lot of amish there (or mennonite--don't ask me the difference unless you have an hour or two to kill), who are a lot more chill than most people realize, and yes, they do likes to party. if you never shared some moonshine on a amish horse buggy under the dying day-nighttime of a total exclipse through the cornfields of rural Indiana because your car broke down because it ran out of gas due to lack of foresight.. are you even alive? i'm talking about smokin' straight amish cornflakes, farm to nug, while Atlee and Jeb shred the banjo and washtub with scales and microtones as yet unaccepted in the our contemporary music world's limited vocabulary. thatts what i call chicken soup for the middle class soul.