I find it odd that UW, a site that should be dedicated to one brand... is actually a less biased site then TGP.
I've posted there all of a week, and I'm just about done with the place.
when I registered here I was JUST starting to learn about guitars. I met a bunch of people with a bunch of varied opinions... and they pretty much all got along.
More importantly. the people here could SUPPORT why they felt a certain way. (say about Gibson) and back it up with compelling arguement.
Afterwards. we usually all stayed chill.
And I ended up LEARNING in the process.
I'm not saying we're not totally biased. but we're smart about it. we also generally don't think a magical coveted guitar is going to make us better. generally materials quality and oh... TALENT does that.
I've tried TGP, SevenString and a few others.
you guys are really the only ones I actually ENJOY talking to.
I find it odd that UW, a site that should be dedicated to one brand... is actually a less biased site then TGP.
I've posted there all of a week, and I'm just about done with the place.
when I registered here I was JUST starting to learn about guitars. I met a bunch of people with a bunch of varied opinions... and they pretty much all got along.
More importantly. the people here could SUPPORT why they felt a certain way. (say about Gibson) and back it up with compelling arguement.
Afterwards. we usually all stayed chill.
And I ended up LEARNING in the process.
I'm not saying we're not totally biased. but we're smart about it. we also generally don't think a magical coveted guitar is going to make us better. generally materials quality and oh... TALENT does that.
I've tried TGP, SevenString and a few others.
you guys are really the only ones I actually ENJOY talking to.