Warmoth Jam III


Senior Member
Don't know how much demand there is for another? but here's one I threw together tonight.
Bit more of a rocker, it builds in energy over 32 bars.
The clip is here -
http://www.foxden.plus.com/mp3s/W/W3.mp3 - it's under 2Mb

It's a simple A-E-D-D bass/key line for you to solo over. There are no thirds so you can use A major or A minor if you want to experiment (or any appropriate mode).
2bar intro
32 bars of build (for your solo) and then a repeat (for practice) and a one bar splash. = 67 bars in total.
For those of you with DAWs, the start of the clip is exactly the start of bar1, ending clipped exactly at end of bar 67.

bagman67 said:
As a not-yet-Warmoth-owner, am I eligible to play along?

Of course. The more the merrier....as long as you promise to get a Warmoth in this mellenium  :guitaristgif:
I'm not a Warmoth player either, but my willingness to participate in the jam is only exceeded by my anticipation of one day pulling the trigger on my 1st Warmoth guitar  :guitaristgif:
Rouse said:
Whens the deadline?

We should make it two weeks. Any longer & it seems to be a waste, as we don't get any more people joining in or people forget since it's too long a period.

I'd say Monday August 06 is a good date for everyone interested to get their solos in.
Doughboy said:
I'd say Monday August 06 is a good date for everyone interested to get their solos in.

...except there is no Monday August 6th this year.... shall we try Monday August 9th? I'm away that week so someone else will have to mix it.
full jam -> https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B72auysDOd8fMTdmYjk1MTAtNzA1Ny00MmI4LTg0YjMtNWIwNWIwYTBkZWIz&sort=name&layout=list&num=50
bass track only -> https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B72auysDOd8fZjViYThhNWUtMmRjZi00NTk5LThhYTEtNzJmZjg3M2M2NmE0&sort=name&layout=list&num=50
So we have, in no particular order -
The Norwegian Guy
hachikid - submitted already

Any more?
here's mine. I'm not all that happy with it. I feel like I'm not playing all that well lately - just not practicing enough I think. And after a few takes I wasn't feeling that inspired. I stitched two different takes together that I thought were OK.

