
Warmoth gives my wallet an owie

Cagey said:
I don't think a 6 month schedule is so tough. Figure you'll go somewhere between $800 and $1,500, with the average being about $1,200. Over six months, that's $200/mo. I don't know what it's like in England, but here a two-pack-a-day smoking habit will run you at least $300/mo., even more in states with heavier taxes. In New York, for instance, a two-pack-a-day smoker will easily spend over $450/mo. Canada is even worse.

Of course, not everybody smokes, and the number who do dwindles daily. But, the point is, the money is usually there. It's just a matter of priorities.

Well said!!!!

I actually don't have any other vices except for music. No booze, cigarettes, drugs or even bad food any more.

I see how much people spend on a weekend of partying & all I think is "you fools just spent enough money for a flame maple top".

When you think of it, it's a pretty good vice to have, all things considered.
Doughboy said:
Cagey said:
I don't think a 6 month schedule is so tough. Figure you'll go somewhere between $800 and $1,500, with the average being about $1,200. Over six months, that's $200/mo. I don't know what it's like in England, but here a two-pack-a-day smoking habit will run you at least $300/mo., even more in states with heavier taxes. In New York, for instance, a two-pack-a-day smoker will easily spend over $450/mo. Canada is even worse.

Of course, not everybody smokes, and the number who do dwindles daily. But, the point is, the money is usually there. It's just a matter of priorities.

Well said!!!!

I actually don't have any other vices except for music. No booze, cigarettes, drugs or even bad food any more.

I see how much people spend on a weekend of partying & all I think is "you fools just spent enough money for a flame maple top".

When you think of it, it's a pretty good vice to have, all things considered.

Very true, and well im not going to spend too much at uni this year, but university is university, i need a few nights out to relax, but hopefully replace some with gigs, and fuel these nights with a part time job instead, like once or twice a week if i can, so my dads money im getting can be to fuel this next build.

Well i know of a certain someone that doesnt have complaints that i have my vice as music hehe but anyways  :laughing7:
JimBeed said:
Hmm well 200  a month dollars here is roughly 150 pounds a month give or take the exchange rate lol ,its probably bit less, but that is true, and as i dont smoke, and each month i recieve 330 from my dads teacher pension still as im in education id say about 100 of that i can put aside for my next build, so probably in a year gradually i can get all the parts, so guessing look out for my gothic anime bass next summer/autumn hehe  :headbang1:

Don't sweat it. As has been pointed out many different ways previously, it's rarely the equipment that needs work so much as the user. I don't know what they call it anymore, but it used to be called "woodshedding". That is, you went out to the woodshed where you wouldn't bother anybody, and played your ass off for extended periods of time until you got your chops down. I don't imagine too many people have woodsheds anymore, but you get the idea. Becoming a good player has a lot more to do with time than money.
Doughboy said:
I see how much people spend on a weekend of partying & all I think is "you fools just spent enough money for a flame maple top".

Yeah, well. Different people appreciate different things, I guess. I like to have something to show for my money. I'm only too acutely aware of how fleeting memories can be. Good bonk on the head, and Poof! They're history. At least I can sell an unwanted guitar. What do you do with a memory you can't use any more?
I Would gladly trade most of my memories for a new guitar, with no regrets  :-\
but anyways, yeah i know what you mean, my playing hasnt so much been improved by the bass but by the amount of practice ive done since i got it up and working fully.
as my playing was better on any of my basses
I just love gothic, anime, basses, and my long term girlfriend, so to combine it all into a bass is the next best thing! hehe  :icon_thumright:
Cagey said:
It is oddly addicting, isn't it?

JimBeed said:
Incredibly Addicting cagey.

I don't know how it could be something that isn't a real word. You probably meant addictive, Cagey.

The grammar police strike again! I'm not being deceiving either. :glasses10:
Cagey said:
But, the point is, the money is usually there. It's just a matter of priorities.

I've been buying a ton of CDs and various dirt cheap electronics components on eBay lately, but altogether adding up to only a small amount of money. If I held onto my spendin' money a bit longer, I could probably save up for a new guitar, but I would rather keep spending it on the things I normally spend it on.

Guitar/bass playing is only a hobby to me. I have other priorities.
If I had the money for a guitar right now, honestly, I think I would rather buy a cheap spectrum analyzer off eBay. :blob7:

Biggus Pickus said:
Cagey said:
It is oddly addicting, isn't it?

JimBeed said:
Incredibly Addicting cagey.

I don't know how it could be something that isn't a real word. You probably meant addictive, Cagey.

The grammar police strike again! I'm not being deceiving either. :glasses10:

Haha, got me,
but unlike 75% of england at least my vocab is more than
Sup blud, oi Dickead and ill stab ya boi! 

But yeah you got me hehe  :glasses9:
vices that I can get 50% of my money back  always win out over vices with no out for remorse or moving on with your life.

But all kidding and joking aside... if your credit card has a $750 limit, the circling sharks are telling you they don't think you're worth a test bite.  They're doing you a favor, and not out of the goodness of their heart. It's more like 'hey kid, want some candy?' I'm your reformed alcoholic of credit cards. Stuff is cool but... your guitar plays best with only 6 strings (or 7 if you're into that).  The one anchored in plastic sucks tone and life and fun from it.

(An almost old fart who wishes he had all the time and money wasted in his youth back in a lump sum about now. Hello, Puyallup?) This has been a public service announcement by a random do-gooder. We now return you to your regularly schedule gear fetish programming.
my credit cards for emergencies or not sure about online buying,
Even then i always have the money in my bank account and repay it about 2 days after in full.
So thats  a big no money for you credit company!  :laughing7:
Even then i always have the money in my bank account and repay it about 2 days after in full.
So thats  a big no money for you credit company!

And you know that for that, they actually give you a worse credit rating? They prefer customers who are always in debt, right up to about the limit of what they can pay without going bankrupt. It's like a loan shark, who wants you to take a second job and pawn all the jewelry but doesn't quite want to break your kneecaps - just keep bleedin', sucker. :evil4: Those TV ads that show someone being totally uncool for buying a $5 cup of coffee with actual cash, peee-yew.

(I can afford to buy toys because I make my own coffee & drink tapwater, hmmmm? :icon_scratch:)
stubhead said:
Even then i always have the money in my bank account and repay it about 2 days after in full.
So thats  a big no money for you credit company!

And you know that for that, they actually give you a worse credit rating? They prefer customers who are always in debt, right up to about the limit of what they can pay without going bankrupt. It's like a loan shark, who wants you to take a second job and pawn all the jewelry but doesn't quite want to break your kneecaps - just keep bleedin', sucker. :evil4:

My experience has shown otherwise. I rarely carry credit card debt from month to month. The amounts are NEVER anywhere NEAR my credit limit or for that matter what I could pay each month before going bankrupt. We're talking an amount that equals about 1% of my annual income.  We just refinanced our house so I recently saw my credit scores - they are all over 800 (out of a possible 850). Just how much has paying off that balance hurt me? It's not like my scores can go much higher.

Now that I think about it, the only time in recent history I've carried credit card debt from month to month was after I bought my first Warmoth guitar body...

Thanks Warmoth. Thanks a lot.

Meh dont really care if it gives me a worse credit rating, not staying in debt to some bloody bank, i only use one cause i have to  :toothy12:
stubhead said:
Even then i always have the money in my bank account and repay it about 2 days after in full.
So thats  a big no money for you credit company!

And you know that for that, they actually give you a worse credit rating? They prefer customers who are always in debt, right up to about the limit of what they can pay without going bankrupt. It's like a loan shark, who wants you to take a second job and pawn all the jewelry but doesn't quite want to break your kneecaps - just keep bleedin', sucker. :evil4: Those TV ads that show someone being totally uncool for buying a $5 cup of coffee with actual cash, peee-yew.

(I can afford to buy toys because I make my own coffee & drink tapwater, hmmmm? :icon_scratch:)

I make my own coffee, even at the office. Gets me some funny looks, but if you add it up I'm saving a ton of money. No bottled water either. Does that mean I should splurge on a new guitar?  :laughing7:
I dont like coffee so theres even more saved  :icon_biggrin:
Im not so much splurging as already planning my next.... oooh dear :laughing7:
Well, I afforded plenty of things I couldn't afford, make twice as much as I did 5 years ago and don't live twice as better.  The money is always there.  It's the difference between taking time to do something and making time to do something.  I'm a pack a day smoker which hovers around $5 a day give or take.  My boss told me how much money I'd save by quitting, then sent me to a job where I had to pay $5 a day to park and said, "That's not that much."  Go figure.  Even when I was broke, bills still got paid and I never missed meal.  Point being, $1500 sounds like a lot when it's a lump some amount, but isn't when you spread it out.  Buy the pickups this month.  Next month, buy the tuners.  In 3 months, buy the neck, and so on.  If you're waiting until you have $1500, you won't.  BTW, what are you going to play this through, because a cheap tube amp can run 8-15 hundred bucks too (unless you're Max).  FWIW, Warmoths are cheap only when you compare them to what else is out there.  They really ain't cheap.
No, Warmoths ain't cheap, but I'd submit that they are a good value, in that you get quality pieces at a fair price. In other words, though it might cost a fair bit to build one from the ground up, but you get what you pay for: a high-quality custom instrument.

My plan was, as people have suggested, to gather up the parts piecemeal: body one month, neck another, then hardware, electronics, etc. That's how I've done things on my other builds, and it's a system that works. It's tempting to try slapping things together before you have all the parts, but I've learned firsthand that that's a really bad idea.  :laughing7:

I'm still definitely considering doing this build, so a custom-ordered body might just be in my future... Credit card and student loans be damned!  :evil4:
I know you know they aren't cheap, as you are an active, regular poster and probably more familiar than most as far as what W offers.  It never fails though we get a new poster that sees the cheapest neck and cheapest body and thinks they have a finished, playable guitar at that price.  Again, not comparing you with that.
Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
BTW, what are you going to play this through, because a cheap tube amp can run 8-15 hundred bucks too (unless you're Max).
Actually, late this year or next year, I'm planning on building myself a tube amp, and even building it will cost $800-900.