
Ugly Production Guitars

OK, I'll play.  I almost bought one of these way back in my youth....

I'm not sure this counts as either a guitar or as production (ok, technically it was in production, they might have even sold four or five.)
Superlizard said:
line6man said:
Superlizard said:
c'mon keep 'em pouring in... let's see what other travesties are out there.

(shure glad I ain't gots the delta blooze!  I think it comes with alzheimer's or sumptin')


What the hell is that‽ :tard:

Disturbing, innit?  Someone needs painting lessons... the old hag face just doesn't work for me.

Hell shes purdy fer a Mississippi Delta girl hahaha
OzziePete said:
Superlizard said:
That's like a dangly nutsack thing with a neck slapped on it... dude, I am so laughing.   :laughing11:

Never thought of it as that, thankfully no one said THAT about the guitar when I owned it!!  :laughing7:

I had so many tries getting that guitar working preperly: New tuners, new pickups, various briudges and trems......

And to think that this is an ancestor to that beautiful looking SG2000 shaped Yammie? Obviously the Yamaha designers stopped taking the hallucinogens after the late 60s, lol... :dontknow:

I must try and get my scanner up and working....... I am now reminded that I have a picture of me as a kid with that guitar lurking in the background.

Found the pic and got the scanner working.......me at 17 or so. :laughing7: (Proof the guitar existed I suppose..)

Those PRS guitars are the Anthrax guys guitars. His name is Dan Spitz. And Gretsch did painted f holes back in the day. :dontknow:
JaySwear said:
Max said:
Ha, I kinda like it :P

i love it! that thing is awesome! headstock is eh, but honestly even with it that thing is badass

My hatred for this instrument is more from my total and utter hatred for the man and the band that it is featured in!

Better than the Grateful Dead, you say Trey?  I wish Trey would fill up his syringe with like 3 more stamp bags than usual and ride the cloud all the way into the big dirt nap.  Better than the Grateful Dead.  Phuck Fish!

Look man I had a really rough night and I just can't stand the phucking Eagles!  I feel the same way about Fish as The Dude did about the Eagles.....
BigBeard said:

Phuck Fish!  Ugliest guitar ever!

Fix the headstock, make the body a bit more symmetrical, skip the F holes, skip the chrome covered pickups, put a tremolo bridge on it and make it a solid body and it would be a great guitar.

I don't think I like the concept of a fancy wood backside with a plain top though. :dontknow:
line6man said:
BigBeard said:

Phuck Fish!  Ugliest guitar ever!

Fix the headstock, make the body a bit more symmetrical, skip the F holes, skip the chrome covered pickups, put a tremolo bridge on it and make it a solid body and it would be a great guitar.

I don't think I like the concept of a fancy wood backside with a plain top though. :dontknow:

Or soak it in kerosene and start a nice bonfire with it!
some wonderfully horrific photos on here.  Have to say i think the black squire strat with humbuckers is beautiful as is Trey's Paul Languedoc.  The Languedoc guitar, in my opinion is extremely appealing in just about every aspect. Obviously going for gibson hollow-body qualities with asymetrical bouts /  70's Fender Starcaster inspired. I think the headstock is genius, the shape  and the bridge as well.