
Ugly Production Guitars

DangerousR6 said:
It almost looks photochopped to me.... :dontknow:

No, they really exist. Here's another one, slightly different, that's actually for sale at Elderly Instruments.


They go for roughly $7K to those with more money than aesthetic sense.
Superlizard said:
c'mon keep 'em pouring in... let's see what other travesties are out there.

(shure glad I ain't gots the delta blooze!  I think it comes with alzheimer's or sumptin')


What the hell is that‽ :tard:
Death by Uberschall said:
Cagey said:
DangerousR6 said:
It almost looks photochopped to me.... :dontknow:

No, they really exist. Here's another one, slightly different, that's actually for sale at Elderly Instruments.


They go for roughly $7K to those with more money than aesthetic sense.
Hideous!!  :o
Agreed, I could think of something to do than a ninja turtle grafic.... :doh:

Actually why would anyone even think to do that to a piece of spalted maple anyway....What a dumbass.... :confused4:
OzziePete said:
Fernando, the original pickups were horrors. Very thin sounding, tinny......same pickups as were on the SG3C I had I think. If someone was to squeeze a decent tone out of them it HAD to be the rack processors they had, lol. :laughing7:

I'm sorry, by rig I meant Ampli and pedals, there were no racks... Not sure how you guys call it...
Can't remember the amp... Perhaps a Mesa Boogie (really expensive and rare here down south), was something really good, but was these new guitars, not the old ones :)
line6man said:
Superlizard said:
c'mon keep 'em pouring in... let's see what other travesties are out there.

(shure glad I ain't gots the delta blooze!  I think it comes with alzheimer's or sumptin')


What the hell is that‽ :tard:

Disturbing, innit?  Someone needs painting lessons... the old hag face just doesn't work for me.
What is wrong with it?
I don't like the squier version all that much, but the black fender contemporary strats are great!! similar to the squier you posted, but has a system I, II or III trem.
Just feels wrong without the pickguard....

and not fully blacked out.

I dunno.

not feeling it
DangerousR6 said:
But I must say their cases are just beautiful....

Looks like a G & G case.  Other than two buttons to hold the storage section closed, I'd have guessed that is what it was.

Oh, and didn't the (former) lead guitar player in Anthrax have a V with the Ninja Turtles on it?  Back when the Turtles were only a comic book, not a breakfast cereal.  Still, a waste of good looking spalt.

Super Turbo Deluxe Custom said:
Purple guitars and 5A tops, PRS is attributed to starting that trend.

damn right! that factory tour was one of the coolest things i think i've ever gotten to see. those dudes are seriously devoted to QC and putting out the best product they can.

and i don't know what i'm going to do when this guitar sells... it's in the sweetw(icecream)ter.com guitar gallery. i would never spend that much for a guitar even if i could afford it, but damn look at that thing... http://www.sweetw(icecream)ter.com/guitargallery/electric/all/s159442/

^ for the link, just replace (icecream) with the letter A.  :icon_biggrin: sweetw*ter is a dirty dirty place
RobR said:
Death by Uberschall said:
DangerousR6 said:
Death by Uberschall said:
NonsenseTele said:

I would rock the hell out of that guitar!!  :headbang1:
If I remeMber correctly the main body wood is Korina.
Looks to be from Ed Romans site... :dontknow:
It is.

I'm pretty sure the only thing on that guitar that is actually Hamer is the neck.....

That's true. I actually talked with Ed years ago about duplicating the top on one of my other Californians. His shop will plane a top off a guitar and install a new one. But his price is stupid to do it. I could have Warmoth just build a nice Soloist (not like Burn Unit) for what he wanted just to replace the top and refinish it to match that pic.