
The Official "Unofficial Warmoth Drawing" Rules Thread.

Count me in! Just remember me which email I must send the money and how I need to inform that it's me sending!

A double CHEERS to Ken, for taking this responsability two years in a row!! :hello2:
OK so here weeeee goooooooo!!!!

donations can be sent to

account is:

when you send funds please respond to this thread, once I confirm I will add you to the list and post. When you resond to the thread please let me know your name as well, as most peoples user names here are different then there paypal. I will be in for 5 so who else wants to go first. We will cap the tickets at 125 and the drawing will be held in Feb prob the second week. Will def be after Groundhog's day.

Just paid 5 tickets: nandoesteves@hotmail.com

Don't care which numbers of the drawing you put me, as long as one of them is the winning number :laughing7:
Official List. I will update as each persons funds have been confirmed:

We got an annoymous donation of $50...Just goes to show the true spirit of this board

ocguy106              5
Nonsense Tele      5
I'll throw in my hat too!  

3 tickets.  texicus@gmail.com

Perhaps an Explorer is in order...or Jaguar...P-Bass...
Official List. I will update as each persons funds have been confirmed:

We got an annoymous donation of $50...Just goes to show the true spirit of this board

ocguy106              5
Nonsense Tele      5
Cracked pepper    5
Texicus                3
Save 5 spaces for me. I can't log into Paypal right now. I use my wife's Paypal account and I don't know the password off the top of my head. Will send tonight when I get home.
Max said:
Jet-Jaguar said:
I'd be in for a couple of tickets.  Not that I need another guitar.

You know, I once searched the galleries for a Jagstang and didn't find any, so I think I'd build a jagstang if I won.
This guy... should not win.

Just for that, I'm gonna win.  And I'm gonna put a photograph of your face on the neck plate!  :icon_tongue:
We may have to limit the ticket sales to 100. The largest dice on the "dice rolling" site is 100. This means if we combine mutilple dice to achieve 125 it would give some numbers an advantage to come up. If someone has an alternative site that could accomodate such a thing that would be good as well. I have found many but none save it and make it viewable everyone.

We could use 3 10 sided dice and use each one as a place holder i.e one for the one's, ten's and hundreds. the only problem with that is it gives 1000 possible outcomes and may require mutiple rolls to fall within the 125 we need. The up side is that it is true odds and every possible number only has one possible way to come up. In any event we have time to figure it out.

Official List. I will update as each persons funds have been confirmed:

We got an annoymous donation of $50...Just goes to show the true spirit of this board

ocguy106              5
Nonsense Tele      5
Cracked pepper    5
Texicus                3
Jimbo                  5
Kublai                  5
Official List. I will update as each persons funds have been confirmed:

We got an annoymous donation of $50...Just goes to show the true spirit of this board

ocguy106              5
Nonsense Tele      5
Cracked pepper    5
Texicus                3
Jimbo                  5
Kublai                  5
Stormbringer        5
Another option, if you can keep it at 100 places, is to give out the numbers 00-99. Then you determine a drawing date and use a State lottery's pick three number for that day and use the last 2 digits of the pull. Simple, fair, and everyone knows there was nothing fishy going on. The only thing is that people are going to want to know their numbers beforehand.