
suggestions for ballsy strat pickups 3 sc's in black korina body


Hero Member
I have just secured a black korina strat body from the showcase, routed S.S.S. I haven't decided on a neck yet so that factor is flexible. Up till now I have used Seymour Duncans almost exclusively and was thinking to continue that way, probably 1/4 pounders. However Rio Grande keeps popping up in posts and I have never heard of them. (I'm Australian) So can anyone recommend a good combination or give their thoughts on the comparison. I want this strat to be "normal" I mean no stacks, li'l 59s or whatever. 3 sc's 3 knobs 5way switch-no trick pots or wiring...been there done that. Fender Texas specials is another possibility.   cheers  Willy
Check out Lindy Fralin Pups. Vintage hots. Maybe with a steel poled 43 in bridge. check out reviews on Harmony Central.
Cheers Matey!
In the '90's I tried many Warmoth strats with Van Zandt pickups from a local luthier. They are still the best strat tones I have heard in person.
I chose the Kinman Blues for my strat and I have played a 70's strat equipped with the Kinman Hank Marvin. His pickups are completely noiseless and they have the classic Fender sound. I'm very pleased with my strat and I recommend his pickups.
Check out the sound clips on Rio Grande's page:


You can order them directly from Warmoth, usually most Strat SCs are in stock, anything from Rio Grande rocks the house.

If you were seriously thinking about using the Fender Custom Shop Texas Specials, check out the GFS grey bottom staggers on this page:


Only differences are the cloth leads are plastic coated, they come in multiple overwound flavors and they only cost US $70 a set
I will check them all out, thanks guys. Hey priebster, I checked you out on the tube...... :hello2:  Shit hot fella! If I wasn't a bass player I would hang myself !!
I've got a set of SD Quarter Pounders in my '73 Strat. If you're looking for a "traditional" Strat sound, they probably aren't what you would want. You lose some top end chime and sparkle with them, but you gain loads of midrange and output. They're miles ahead of the original pickups, though.
Check out the Halfbreeds or Muy Grande strat pickups from Rio Grande.  They've got plenty o' power under the hood.  RG pickups seem to have a strong top end to my ears.  (Fortunately, it isn't an overly brittle sound.)  I've got a Dirty Harry Jr. in my strat with Crunchbox/Punchbox HSH combo.  The Jr. holds up well with these two monster buckers.  It is brighter in the top end that other RG pickups I've tried though.

For a little more controlled vintage vibe, definitely check out the Fralins.  You can get them slightly overwound for more output.  If I were doing a vintage strat creation, these would be on the top of my list.

I have settled on maple/rosewood for the neck, with a boat back contour. I think a couple of halfbreeds and a muy grande bridge pup should get things honkin' with this combination without losing the "strat sound" does this make sense?
The neck is really nice- maybe the best Strat neck pickup I've ever heard.  The bridge is loud and biting, a bit too much for me, but its balls out for sure.  The middle/bridge combination is very nice though.
-CB- said:
The neck is really nice- maybe the best Strat neck pickup I've ever heard.  The bridge is loud and biting, a bit too much for me, but its balls out for sure.  The middle/bridge combination is very nice though.

The loud and biting bit could be overcome by wiring the 2nd tone control to the bridge pup perhaps? Sounds like another plan, thanks CB    Willy
I added the TXSP's to my Strat when the bridge pickup died, rather than have the late 70's pickup rewound.  Not original, but.. not bad either.  However, I left the wiring as it was, tones for neck and middle.  Better with tones for neck or middle, and bridge, as you suggest.  Not true to Leo's thinking, but... more workable.
The best thing about Leo's thinking was that it never stopped. I reckon he would have loved to be on this board. I'm sure he'd have gotten a real buzz out of our "improvements" to his original model.  W.
I've got a set of Lindy Fralin Vintage Hots in my swamp ash - maple/maple strat.  I also went with the bass plate under the bridge pickup to tone down on some shrill.  Overall I like them, but I find the bridge pickup the one I use the least with this setup.  I'm thinking I should remove the base plate.  It just doesn't chime like a strat should.  The bridge is a bit too mid-rangy for my tastes.  This set is far better than all the SD lil 59's and all that other BS that was in the guitar when I bought it.
I just finnished a build today for a buddy using Van Zant pups, I knew nothing of these before hand, they blew me away, they sound awesome.

Just got back from a gig, where the guitar was played by my buddy in the band, those pickups sounded incredible, I am obviously no good at describing tone,  I am just shocked at how different they sound from the usual single coil pickups. They are on my personal next build list for myself.

side note: I am getting more and more requests from people to build them (assmeble and setup Via warmoth parts) guitars. I do it for free cuz i like it. Anyone else have that problem?
RLW said:
I've got a set of SD Quarter Pounders in my '73 Strat. If you're looking for a "traditional" Strat sound, they probably aren't what you would want. You lose some top end chime and sparkle with them, but you gain loads of midrange and output. They're miles ahead of the original pickups, though.

I've got one in the bridge and I like it too. It is really very powerful indeed. I tend to turn the bass up on my amp and the treble down a touch to get the optimum raunchiness of the pick up. It rocks tho and combined with a Korina body would be unbelievably sweet.
Alfang said:
side note: I am getting more and more requests from people to build them (assmeble and setup Via warmoth parts) guitars. I do it for free cuz i like it. Anyone else have that problem?

Honestly, I wish i had that problem. To spend even more of my time doing this would be a blessing
Finally made the choice. RGs it is. Muy Grande bridge/ Halfbreed middle/ Tallboy neck. They will come from Warmoth with my maple/rosewood VM neck (boat). I'm going to wire the back tone knob to the bridge pup with the other two controlled by the middle knob. The korina body with a vintage trem should make for a nice tasty tone machine. Thanks heaps guys for everybody's input....much obliged  Willy