Seventh Jam of a Seventh Jam - 70bpm - everyone can play at 70bpm, right?


Senior Member
Sorry, I couldn't get into country for Jam6 but hopefully this will get a few more responses.
I wrote this in Nanostudio on the iPad.
It's in A minor.
This is a loopable version - eight chord pattern over 1/8th drums then repeated over 1/16th drums -

This, as it says, it's count in, through the loop twice then out, for those who can't loop it for practice -

...and this one is intro and once through loop as requested....

I suggest one 'loop' per solo but I've noodled for 20+ minutes at a time once I'd got it looping! Maybe best to practice over the loop and record over the in&out?
Very cool track. I definitely feel a David Gilmour coming on.  :icon_thumright:

How long is the section for each soloist?
ok, so just to be sure, I should start soloing at the point where the beat changes a little? And go until??? just to the end, or through it 2x?
To me it sounds more Mike Oldfield than Gilmour (but I get the gilmour thing too). I'll give it a go tonight hopefully, see if I can get that Oldfieldesque clean tone (from that old red strat he plays, gorgeous tone), gonna need the whammy bar for this one methinks.
Solo length =once through the loop - so that's the slow drum pattern AND the fast one.
Is it possible to use the track with the count in & then measure how long one pass is & record over that track?

I won't be able to do it properly with no count in.

Or, if you can, you can post another version which is once through, that has a count in.
I have a buttload of homework and tests today, but I'll be sure to reward myself tonight by playing along with this to see if I can get anything good. now here's the tough decision: use my roommate's Ibanez electric that is missing a high-e string, or use my martin acoustic?
B3Guy said:
I have a buttload of homework and tests today, but I'll be sure to reward myself tonight by playing along with this to see if I can get anything good. now here's the tough decision: use my roommate's Ibanez electric that is missing a high-e string, or use my martin acoustic?

It would be cool to have an acoustic solo & what better guitar than a Martin.
better? not necessarily "better" or worse . . . but I really like my dad's larger Gibson acoustics. His plywood guitar from when he was a kid is pretty bomb too (its a small "acoustic", sized for a kid, but it is a nylon . . . so nylon without the monster wide fat neck. besides the plywood and 2x4 construction, it is pretty fun.)
GoDrex said:
if you tack the intro beat on to the loop file you can record to that....  -  save target as....
I hope I've done this right, am feeling pretty  :glasses9:

I tried for a while to get inspired with this, I whacked on the whammy bar and had a go. Not much was really going on, for some reason my whammy seems way stiffer than it used to, I couldn't even flutter (it's an Am Std bridge). It's strange cos I'm using the same number of springs etc, I wonder if they've 'stiffened up'.
Anyway, one thing lead to another, and to help inspire myself I brought up the plethora of effects that is Guitar Rig 4. When I heard the sound of the wobbling whammy note going through the pitch shift - feedbacker - reverber thingy I thought is sounded pretty awesome. Waddya think ?

Full mix...

Just me....

The guitar track runs a little longer than the backing (I used the one from the above post) because I wanted to get the cool trail off sound on the end. Feel free to chop or do what you need to to make it work. God damn I love these Jams  :guitarplayer2:
Since Panthur did his, I decided to give mine a shot - and I purposely played along to his ending, so my beginning would fit. I decided after jamming with the loop for a while that the track is so mellow and melancholy, that I didn't want to go all nuts on it. I played more delicately than I usually would and I think it works for the track. - - mix - - solo
Haven't done one of these yet, you need to post both the mixed track AND your added track separately?
Yes. A full mix lets everyone listen to your solo when you post it, and when the deadline comes someone far cooler than I will put them all together into one final big jam.