
Schaller staggered post heights = no string trees needed?

Back to OP for a second: I've been using the Wilkinson-LSR-Schaller setup for quite a few years now, and it's a killer. I'm using the Schallers that Warmoth sells, and they're not staggered, I think they're the 210mm post height, but don't quote me on that.

String trees aren't needed at all. This setup stays in tune really well even though I crank pretty hard on it during a gig. You just have to make sure that you stretch the strings pretty well when you put them on.

These are the headstock on the 8-Ball; my current #2, and I have the same setup on The Ritchie, my current #1.


Are there any archived threads on installing a new tremolo bridge and set up?
Check some of my build guides and the Welcome to the Forum thread which has things like that linked.

Also this one:

I tried them on a build a few years ago. There does not seem to be enough mechanical gearing as I could not get the strings close to in tune. They were impossible for me to twist them into tune. Replaced them with M6s.

View attachment 62950
Another tidbit with these tuners is since there is no tuner post and the string goes through the center of the tuner hole, the nut slot to tuner angle is now off by the radius of the missing tuner post. You can see it in the pic.
I have a staggered tuner question. Why do you need staggered tuners at all? Why not just use the lowest post and let every string have a slight downward angle? For example, the Sperzel low E and B string tuners are shorter than the others. Why not just use a full set of those and not have them staggered but rather shorter?
I have a staggered tuner question. Why do you need staggered tuners at all? Why not just use the lowest post and let every string have a slight downward angle? For example, the Sperzel low E and B string tuners are shorter than the others. Why not just use a full set of those and not have them staggered but rather shorter?

Staggered aims to give a similar, closer to optimum break angle to all the strings.
Staggered aims to give a similar, closer to optimum break angle to all the strings.
Is there a reason they should all be the same? Does having the low E and A string have a slightly steeper angle cause any issues?

On one of my Strats, I replaced the D and G tuners with the shortest version Sperzel (you can order individual tuners from them directly). I’m looking at it now and the difference in break angle at the nut is almost negligible despite the tuner post height being a few mm difference.
Is there a reason they should all be the same? Does having the low E and A string have a slightly steeper angle cause any issues?

On one of my Strats, I replaced the D and G tuners with the shortest version Sperzel (you can order individual tuners from them directly). I’m looking at it now and the difference in break angle at the nut is almost negligible despite the tuner post height being a few mm difference.

With a fixed bridge, it will not make much difference. A similar break angle for tremolo equipped guitars is preferred.